Prekvalifisering; Levering av sorteringsanlegg - prosessutstyr


02 - Meddelande om upphandling
Förhandlade förfaranden under konkurrens
2022-10-12 22:07 (GMT+02:00)
2022-11-14 12:00 (GMT+01:00)


Petter Thorbeck Petter Thorbeck
Øraveien 2

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Arbeidsomfanget for den elektromekaniske leveransen består av et komplett prosessanlegg for utsortering av blandet plast og metaller fra restavfall fra husholdninger med en kapasitet på 40 tonn/t, 60.000 tonn/år i ett skift.

Detta är det första steget i ett tvåstegs upphandlingsförfarande. Nästa steg är själva budprocessen. För att se anbudet och relaterade dokument, klicka på den här länken: Tender phase: Delivery of sorting plant - process equipment

Dokument (klicka på filnamnet för att ladda ner)

Namn Filstorlek
00_ØAS-Instructions PrequalificationTender - B1.pdf 546 KB
0.01_ Attachment 1-Form for Reference plants ØAS.xlsx 32 KB
Appendix A - Scope of Work_ØAS_B1.pdf 269 KB
Appendix A1 - General Requirements_ØAS_B1.pdf 631 KB
Appendix A2 - Design Data_ØAS_B1.pdf 333 KB
Appendix A3 - Plant and Process Description_ØAS_B1.pdf 332 KB
Appendix A3-Attachment 1, Block Diagram 101819-001_1.pdf 268 KB
Appendix A3-Attachment 2.1, Compressor Plant - Flow Chart Diagram 101819-002.pdf 329 KB
Appendix A3-Attachment 2.2, Compressor Plant - Cooling water-Flow Chart Diagram101819-003.pdf 706 KB
Appendix A3-Attachment 3, Dedusting and Ventilation -Process Flow Chart 101819-004_01.pdf 277 KB
Appendix A4 - Performance Guarantees_ØAS_B1.pdf 282 KB
Appendix A5 - Commissioning, Performance Tests and Take-over_ØAS_B1.pdf 294 KB
Appendix A6 - General Mechanical Requirements_ØAS_B2.pdf 415 KB
Appendix A7 Electrical Equipment_ØAS_B1.pdf 497 KB
Appendix A7-Attachment 1, Electrical equ and CMS-Typical 101819-005_1.pdf 342 KB
Appendix A8 - Control and Monitoring System (CMS)_ØAS_B1.pdf 464 KB
Appendix A8-Attachment 1, Control Topology Sorting Plant_ØAS_Rev00-220905.pdf 418 KB
Appendix A8-Attachment 2, Network Security Model_ØAS_v0.6.pdf 417 KB
Appendix A9 Civil Works_ØAS.pdf 231 KB
Appendix A10 - Training of clients personnel_ØAS_B1.pdf 250 KB
Appendix A11 - Interfaces_ØAS_B1.pdf 420 KB
Appendix B1 - Payment Schedule_ØAS_B1.pdf 170 KB
Appendix B2 - Price Sheets_ØAS_B2_all.pdf 337 KB
Appendix B2 Price Sheets_B2.xlsx 433 KB
Appendix C1 - Tentative Time Schedule_ØAS_B2.pdf 299 KB
Appendix C2 - Document Delivery Schedule_ØAS_B1.pdf 261 KB
Appendix D1 - PA Manual (Project Administration)_ØAS_B1.pdf 524 KB
Appendix D2 - Quality Plan_ØAS_B1.pdf 428 KB
Appendix D3 - SHE Plan_ØAS_B1.pdf 306 KB
Appendix D4 - Environmental Management Program_ØAS_B1.pdf 259 KB
Appendix D5 - Plant Coding System_ØAS_B1.pdf 360 KB
Appendix E - Technical Documentation and Data Sheets_incl_DS_ØAS_B1.pdf 640 KB
Appendix E-Attachment 1_ØAS - Data sheet_B1.xlsx 614 KB
Appendix F - Drawings_ØAS_B1_all.pdf 368 KB
Appendix G - Client Deliveries_ØAS_B1.pdf 221 KB
Appendix H - Subcontractors and Subsuppliers_ØAS_B1.pdf 227 KB
Appendix I - Insurance_ØAS_B1.pdf 221 KB
Appendix J - Bank Guarantees_ØAS_B1.pdf 225 KB
Part 1-Contract Agreement_ØAS_B1.pdf 138 KB
Part 1-Enclosure 3-Index regulation of contract sum_B1.pdf 149 KB
Part 2-General conditions NS 8407_ØAS_B1.pdf 199 KB
Part 2-Particular conditions_ØAS_B1.pdf 285 KB

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