Karl Erik Steinbakk




Titel Sista anbudsdag
EØS 069-2018-2 Rammeavtale for levering av rekvisita til switcher 2019-02-26 15:00
EØS 069-2018-1 Rammeavtale for levering av switcher 2019-02-26 15:00
EØS 069-2018-3 Rammeavtale for montering og konfigurering av nettverksutstyr 2019-02-26 15:00
Prior information notice — framework agreement cleaning products
EEA 027-2017 — Dynamic procurement system for computer centre content 2028-05-01 22:55
Prior Information Notice EEA 043-2018 [EØS 043-2018] Professional System for Bergen brannvesen [Bergen Fire Brigade]
EØS 26-2018 [EEA 26-2018] — Framework agreement for paper and plastic products associated with hygiene and cleaning 2018-05-04 15:00
HS 002-2018: Residential and service offer for two refugees 2018-04-13 15:00
Prior Information Notice for a Framework Agreement for paper and plastic products
EEA 012-2018 - Procurement of software for licence management (SAM) 2018-03-12 15:00
Renholdsprodukter 2018-02-28 15:00
Papir og plastprodukter 2018-02-28 15:00
EØS 056-2017 Detergents, hygiene paper and dispensers, etc. 2018-01-15 15:00
EØS-032-2017 [EEA-032-207] Framework agreement for light sources.
Prior information notice: Framework agreement for inside and outside toys (v.3).
Prior information notice for the procurement of a system for obtaining data from electronic staff lists.
Prior information notice — Cleaning products, hygiene paper and dispensers, etc.
Prior information notice — Print, scan and copy solution (EØS-054-2017).
EØS-032-2017 [EEA-032-207] Framework agreement for light sources. 2017-08-18 12:00
EEA-044-2017 Procurement of an electronic quality system. 2017-09-04 15:00
Prior information notice — light sources.
EEA 024-2017 — Digital youth card — prior information notice.

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