EØS 056-2017 Detergents, hygiene paper and dispensers, etc.


Öppet förfarande
2017-12-12 09:20 (GMT+01:00)
2018-01-15 15:00


Bergen Kommune Bergen Kommune
Karl Erik Steinbakk Karl Erik Steinbakk
Serviceboks 7880
5020 Bergen

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Bergen municipality wants to enter into a framework agreement with a supplier of detergents, hygiene paper and dispensers, etc. The framework agreement includes:

— Toilet paper,

— Hand paper towels,

— Paper for kitchens,

— Plastic /waste sacks,

— Products for laundering (bleach, laundry detergents and fabric softener),

— Hand hygiene products,

— Washing-up liquids,

— Detergents.


— For kitchens,

— For health centres.

Maintenance products

— Floor polishing products,

— Other maintenance products.

Cleaning equipment

— Mops,

— Brushes and brooms,

— Squeegees.

Buckets and waste containers

Cleaning equipment trolleys

Various accessories for cleaning


The tender contest is divided into 2 lots: 1 lot for paper and plastic products and 1 lot for cleaning products.

Prices for the hire of dosing equipment which shall be a part of the lot for detergents shall be given. An overview of locations and amount will be added as additional information in the tender period.

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