Prior information notice for the procurement of a system for obtaining data from electronic staff lists.


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2017-08-23 09:29 (GMT+02:00)


Bergen Kommune Bergen Kommune
Karl Erik Steinbakk Karl Erik Steinbakk
Serviceboks 7880
5020 Bergen

Kort beskrivning

Bergen municipality would like to get a better overview and control of personnel activity at construction sites where the municipality is the builder.

The municipality would therefore like to procure a system that can obtain data from different systems that currently process electronic staff lists, cf. the new provisions in the builder regulations §15 (first section) for the requirements on keeping electronic staff lists.

In addition to obtaining data (in the form of active questions or passive receipt), the system must be able to store the acquired data and support extended processing of the data in the form of user-searches, inquiries, reports, export to known file formats etc.

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