
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31
Overskrift Tilbudsfrist
RFI- økonomi og lønnssystem for norsk idrett
Parktraktor 2017 17.11.2017 12.00
2017/385 Kjøp av pasientreiser i Sør-Trøndelag fylke unntatt Trondheim, Malvik, Rissa, Selbu og Tydal 25.09.2017 12.00
Snøsamleskjerm og dreneringskanal ovenfor spisshusene i Longyearbyen 06.12.2017 12.00
Anskaffelse av rammeavtale for juridiske tjenester på HR-området
Rammeavtale Tømrertjenester 21.11.2017 12.00
KK - Totalentreprise - Ny barnehage på Nordlandet - 67613 06.11.2017 08.30
Energi instrument Næringsstoff 2017 08.11.2017 12.00
Mobilisering til fossilfrie husholdninger i Skedsmo og Nittedal kommuner 15.11.2017 12.00
Ørsta flyplass- kryssing med vassleidning
Ny hovedbankavtale til Åsnes kommune 24.11.2017 12.00
Ny hovedbankavtale til Jevnaker kommune 30.11.2017 12.00
Tilbudskonkurranse "Inn på tunet" for hjemmeboende med demens 01.12.2017 12.00
Rammeavtaler næringsmegling 09.11.2017 12.00
FOR 018-2017 Lydbølgen lekeplass - Nordnes 27.11.2017 11.00
System for administrasjon og arkivering av studieplaner
KANSELLERT: Anskaffelse av konsulenttjenester
The hire of area for placing and operating photo booths at Avinor's designated airports. 27.11.2017 12.00
Invitation to enter into service concession contracts in Telemark. 15.12.2017 12.00
Response centre services for welfare technology. 28.11.2017 12.00
Children's welfare services, case management services — framework agreement. 27.11.2017 12.00
Operational contract for the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund's core system.
Operational contract IT administration environment.
Request for Information (RFI) — Digitalisation of HR in the Labour and Welfare Department
Framework agreement, transport services for the Norwegian Metrology Service, Verification office District East.
Framework agreement — Procurement consultancy services.
IT services — programming/development, technical support and project management.
A contract for electronic security lock system for the Norwegian Parliament's commuter residences.
Framework agreement for painter and residential wallpaper hanger.
Kverndalen Residential and day centre.
Mill for grinding hazardous waste.
Company health services Medical consultancy services, vaccines and medical check-ups.
The procurement of Geographic information systems (GIS).
Electronic medicinal dispensers.
Digitsation of property archives.
Architect and consultancy services for reconstruction and renovation of Helsehuset [The Health Centre] in Askim.
Helse Midt-Norge — LSP Services. 01.12.2017 09.00
Insurance of persons for Innovation Norway. 04.12.2017 12.00
Operational contract roads 0801 Telemark west 2018 — 2026. 15.01.2018 12.00
Service procurement — Hire of module barracks for a temporary fire station. 15.11.2017 23.59
Processing 2D seismic data collected from the Barents Sea in 2017. 30.11.2017 12.00
Framework agreement, land planning and consultant engineers road, water and sewage and other technical infrastructure (technical planning). 04.12.2017 12.00
Veterinary duty services. 06.12.2017 12.00
Tender bus transport — School swimming Hamar municipality. 15.12.2017 12.00
Dialogue conference 2.11.2017 for moving, organising and digitalising a physical archive (remote archive) in Bærum municipality.
Vehicles for Renovasjonen IKS. 29.11.2017 15.00
Procurement of wood, building materials, paint, floor coverings and tools.
Procurement of a framework agreement for office furniture.
Delivery of gas and rent of bottles.
Two smaller fire and rescue vehicles. 08.12.2017 12.00
Framework agreement for workwear and protective equipment. 04.12.2017 12.00
Advanced scientific equipment for the Norwegian laboratory for mineral and material characterisation. 27.11.2017 23.59
Framework agreement Water and sewage — Plumbing equipment. 30.11.2017 12.00
3D metal printer. 30.11.2017 12.00
EØS 072-2017 Procurement of a crew vehicle for Osterøy Fire-Rescue. 04.12.2017 12.00
County road 714 Stokkhaugen — Sundan: the Åstfjord junction.
E39 Mandal east — Mandal town.
Flatanger Nursing and Care Centre. 10.11.2017 12.00
Tender county road 279 new Gardervei. 19.12.2017 12.00
Rammeavtale for trelast, byggevarer, maling, gulvbelegg og verktøy
Rammeavtale for abreidstøy og verneutsyr 04.12.2017 12.00
Flatanger Pleie- og omsorgstun 10.11.2017 12.00
Tilbud Fv. 279 ny Gardervei 19.12.2017 12.00
Driftskontrakt veg 0801 Telemark vest 2018-2026 15.01.2018 12.00
KANSELLERT: IT-tjenester - programmering/utvikling, teknisk støtte og prosjektledelse
Responssentertjenester for velferdsteknologi 28.11.2017 12.00
Avansert vitenskapelig utstyr til Norsk laboratorium for mineral og materialkarakterisering. 27.11.2017 23.59
Kverndalen Bo- og dagsenter
Rammeavtale for transporttjenester ved Justervesenet, Distriktskontor Øst
Rammeavtale, VA-VVS-utstyr 30.11.2017 12.00
3D metall printer 30.11.2017 12.00
Barnevern saksbehandlertjenester - rammeavtale 27.11.2017 12.00
KANSELLERT: E39 Mandal øst - Mandal by
Kjøp av personforsikring til Innovasjon Norge 04.12.2017 12.00
2 stk mindre brann og redningsbiler 08.12.2017 12.00
Rammeavtale for elektriske arbeider i Bodø 16.11.2017 12.00
Rammeavtale for luftbehandlingsarbeider i Bodø 16.11.2017 12.00
Rammeavtale for luftbehandlingsarbeiderpå Helgeland 16.11.2017 12.00
Bedriftshelsetjenester. Medisinsk rådgivning, vaksiner og helseundersøkelser.
Fv 714 Stokkhaugen - Sundan: Åstfjordkryssinga
VA-sanering Ole Vigs gate, Th. Kittelsens gate og Hermods gate 20.11.2017 12.00

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