Overskrift |
Tilbudsfrist |
2017 Transport og behandling av restavfall |
Rented dwellings in Oslo. |
28.04.2017 12.00 |
The expansion (construction stage 2) for the Hotell Park Inn Gardermoen (186386). |
24.04.2017 12.00 |
A contract for specialised rehabilitation services. |
04.05.2017 12.00 |
Teaching services preparatory course in mathematics. |
24.04.2017 09.00 |
NRK MA3005 Framework agreement car hire services for NRK. |
15.05.2017 12.00 |
Helicopter hire. |
Procurement of Hospital Planners, framework agreement. |
The handling of demolished wood from IRMAT AS (henceforth also referred to as the Contracting Authority). |
Cleaning services. |
RA Pipe cleaning and pipe inspections. |
Framework agreement, service design. |
Framework agreement veterinary services/municipal veterinary surgeon. |
Framework agreement for architectural services. |
Route assessment; ‘Nytt dobbeltspor Oslo S — Skøyen/Bislett — Lysaker’. |
Plumbing services, replacing water meters. |
Competition for inspections and services of fire alarms installations in Boligbygg's properties. |
15.05.2017 12.00 |
Consultant engineering services — roads, water and sewage. |
10.05.2017 12.00 |
Engineering design services — Upgrades. |
08.05.2017 12.00 |
The mapping of short-distance spreading from coniferous wood. |
08.05.2017 12.00 |
Delivery of broad band lines and internet access for Hå municipality. |
08.05.2017 12.00 |
Cleaning services for Øvre and Nedre Campus. |
12.05.2017 12.00 |
Consultancy services for communication, area and transport planning for Telemark County — Framework agreement II: |
09.05.2017 10.00 |
Framework agreements for welfare services for children, youths and adults with functional difficulties. |
15.05.2017 12.00 |
Framework agreement for consultancy services related to development/maintenance and support of Apps in Statsbygg. |
10.05.2017 12.00 |
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing System. |
02.05.2017 12.00 |
Market survey /RFI Cost efficient operation of the zSeries application portfolio. |
Crane 12 — New mobile harbour crane. |
12.04.2017 12.00 |
Brown and white goods and small electric appliances. |
Framework agreements for purchase and delivery of food products — cf no. 116098. |
2017/2309 Procurement a framework agreement for electrical supplies for educational purposes. |
Framework agreements for gymnastics equipment. |
Framework agreement for the hire/purchase of multi-function machines. |
Framework agreement for the purchase of submersible level gauges. |
Underground waste containers NGIR. |
Office supplies and free school supplies. |
1000605 Campus Ås Brukerutstyr K929.22 Equipment for racking Zebrafish and equivalent species. |
05.05.2017 14.00 |
Procurement of monitoring stations for local air quality. |
08.05.2017 12.00 |
Framework agreement; cut flowers. |
02.05.2017 12.00 |
Procurement — Red boxes for the collection of environmentally hazardous waste, ÅRIM, 2017. |
03.05.2017 13.00 |
Procurement — pipes and pipe parts 2017. |
09.05.2017 13.00 |
Framework agreement reflective products. |
08.05.2017 12.00 |
Central and periphery vein catheters, spinal cannulas, epidural cannulas and plexus cannulas, thermodilution and artery cannulas. |
12.05.2017 13.00 |
Andslimoen Nursing home. |
05.05.2017 14.00 |
Procurement of K302 Technical Ventilation works for PET Radio pharmaceutical Production, St.Olavs Hospital. |
Procurement of K301 Plumbing work for PET Radiopharmaceutical Production, St.Olavs Hospital. |
The procurement of K401 Electrical installation works for PET Radiopharmaceutical production, St.Olavs Hospital. |
Asphalt work Western Region 2017 (1st round). |
Module based climbing wall. |
Veienmarka comprehensive school, internal refurbishment. |
28.04.2017 12.00 |