Cleaning services for Øvre and Nedre Campus.


Open procedure
4/1/2017 9:22 AM (GMT+02:00)
5/12/2017 12:00 PM


Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus
Tobias Brokhaug Persson
Postboks 4, St. Olavs plass
0130 Oslo
997 058 925

Closing date has passed.

Short description

The contract shall ensure the Contracting Authority's requirements for daily (regular) cleaning and additional services.

The Contracting Authority has 2 current contracts for cleaning services. One of these contracts shall now be renewed.

When the contract is signed, the total cleaning area of the contract is 35 000 m2 in Nedre campus, and 31 000 in Øvre campus. Moreover, a large part of the premises in Pilestredet 52 (included in the Øvre campus area) are being reconstructed and Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (henceforth also referred to as HiOA) shall have an option to expand the cleaning area in Pilestredet 52 with approx. 9 000 m2 when the reconstruction is completed.

The estimated contract value is between 50 000 000 and 55 000 000 NOK for a 4 year period. The value is a guide based on historical figures. This is only an estimate and is not binding for the Contracting Authority. The service volume is subject to changes due to variations in the university college's needs from year to year. Cleaning locations may be added or removed.

See the tender documentation for further information about the scope and content of the service.

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