Overskrift |
Tilbudsfrist |
Nytt Innbygda renseanlegg |
Rammeavtale for kjøp av lås og beslag |
Leinbakken bru |
13.03.2017 12.00 |
2017/16 - Stoffkartoteksystem til Møre og Romsdal fylkeskommune |
24.02.2017 12.00 |
Rammeavtale for drift og vedlikehold av gatelys 2017 - 31.12.2018 med opsjon 1 + 1 år |
10.03.2017 12.00 |
Containerhold, transport og mottak/behandling av restavfall (grovavfall) fra våre gjenvinningsstasjoner |
Rammeavtale eiendomsmeglertjenester- boligeiendom |
Kjøp av traktor med frontlaster |
Anskaffelse av oppmålingstjenester |
24.02.2017 12.00 |
Digitalisering av papirbaserte eiendomsarkiver |
Granskning av forhold knyttet til varslinger angående påstander om trakassering og mobbing i RTD, regulering og teknisk drift |
Uavhengig kontrollerende foretak bygg og anlegg |
Reisebyråtjenester |
Evaluering av Garantiinstituttet for eksportkreditt (GIEK) og Eksportkreditt Norge |
13.03.2017 12.00 |
Legemidler og apotekvarer, rammeavtale |
24.02.2017 12.00 |
Parallelle rammeavtaler prosjekteringsgrupper |
08.03.2017 12.00 |
Rammeavtale Tømrerarbeider |
24.02.2017 12.00 |
Spesialskyss Drammen kommune |
14.03.2017 12.00 |
Spesialskyss Flesberg kommune |
14.03.2017 12.00 |
Spesialskyss Hol kommune |
14.03.2017 12.00 |
Spesialskyss Hurum kommune |
14.03.2017 12.00 |
Spesialskyss Kongsberg kommune |
14.03.2017 12.00 |
Spesialskyss Lier kommune |
14.03.2017 12.00 |
Spesialskyss Nedre Eiker kommune |
14.03.2017 12.00 |
Spesialskyss Nes kommune |
14.03.2017 12.00 |
Spesialskyss Rollag kommune |
14.03.2017 12.00 |
Spesialskyss Røyken kommune |
14.03.2017 12.00 |
Spesialskyss Øvre Eiker kommune |
14.03.2017 12.00 |
Marienlyst skole - nybygg (1) |
Leasing av tjenestebiler til Sørreisa kommune |
Framework agreement technical and practical assistance with Norad's events. |
24.02.2017 12.00 |
Framework agreement for engineering design services and consultancy services for sports, urban areas, parts and recreational area projects. |
03.03.2017 12.00 |
Plumbing services — replacing water meters. |
Framework agreement; property estate agency services — residential properties. |
Framework agreement, estate agent services — commercial properties. |
Container administration, transport and disposal/treatment of residual waste (bulky waste) from the contracting authority's recycling stations. |
Investigation of conditions related to notifications regarding allegations of harassment and bullying in RTD, Regulation and Technical operations. |
Independent controlling company, building and construction works. |
Digitalisation of paper based property archives. |
Travel agency services. |
Framework agreement for the purchase of joinery works. |
Evaluation of The Norwegian Export Credit Guarantee Agency (GIEK) and Eksportkreditt Norge. |
13.03.2017 12.00 |
Grinding sorted bulky waste and compressing it into balls. |
06.03.2017 12.00 |
2017/34 — Consulting Assignment and Consultancy Services. |
03.03.2017 12.00 |
Country Evaluation Briefs. |
24.02.2017 13.00 |
Procurement of surveying services. |
24.02.2017 12.00 |
Consulting agreement — Market analyses of NGL. |
02.03.2017 13.00 |
General maintenance of buildings and outside areas. |
02.03.2017 12.00 |
Parallel framework agreements engineering design groups. |
08.03.2017 12.00 |
Facilitated transport Nedre Eiker municipality. |
14.03.2017 12.00 |
Facilitated transport Rollag municipality. |
14.03.2017 12.00 |
Facilitated transport Drammen municipality. |
14.03.2017 12.00 |
Facilitated transport Nes municipality. |
14.03.2017 12.00 |
Facilitated transport Flesberg municipality. |
14.03.2017 12.00 |
Facilitated transport Hol municipality. |
14.03.2017 12.00 |
Facilitated transport Lier municipality. |
14.03.2017 12.00 |
Facilitated transport Røyken municipality. |
14.03.2017 12.00 |
Facilitated transport Kongsberg municipality. |
14.03.2017 12.00 |
Facilitated transport Hurum municipality. |
14.03.2017 12.00 |
Facilitated transport Øvre Eiker municipality. |
14.03.2017 12.00 |
Invitation to dialogue regarding non-emergency transport in Stavanger, Sandnes og Randaberg. |
17/001689 Market Survey Red Hat Linux and Red HatSatellite system. |
NRK MA2962/16E Audio processing equipment for TV and internet, market survey / RFI.. |
Purchase of scanners including maintenance and service. |
The purchase of a tractor with front loader. |
Medicines and pharmacy products, framework agreement. |
24.02.2017 12.00 |
Cleaning agents, light sources and food packaging. |
27.02.2017 12.00 |
Framework agreement joinery work. |
24.02.2017 12.00 |