Overskrift |
Tilbudsfrist |
To alikvoteringsroboter, løsning for nedfrysning av prøver og bokser for transport av prøver til biobank |
Prosjekt - Skjønhaugenga Omsorgsbolig |
Renholdstjenester Nedre Romerike tingretts lokaler i Lillestrøm |
Reinhald tannklinikkar |
06.02.2017 12.00 |
Følgeforskning på digital læring i grunnskolen |
1003601 Prosjekt Nytt Nasjonalmuseum - H145 ITB-Koordinator |
20.02.2017 11.00 |
Rammeavtale renholdsprodukter, Øvre Romerike |
Hovedvannledning Hurdalsjøen - Parsell S |
Kjøp av elektriske taxisykler med serviceavtale |
Strand videregående skole - Bygg for Naturbruk - Hovedentreprise Tekniske fag |
Rammeavtale rådgivende ingeniør VVS |
Synergi |
Innkjøp av Ipad for skolebruk - Notodden kommune |
10.02.2017 12.00 |
Synergy. |
Material 2.16. |
Installation of pipe systems — Nye Vågen sewage pump station. |
03.02.2017 12.00 |
Cleaning services Nedre Romerike courthouse's premises in Lillestrøm. |
A framework agreement for joinery and carpentry work — Contract Award. |
Framework agreement consultant engineer HVAC and sanitation. |
Network services for NVE. |
Procurement of a framework agreement for scanners and services connected to electronic counting of voting slips (scanning). Applies to all municipalities and counties. |
A transportation agreement. |
Framework agreement for checking playground equipment, fences and gates on Omsorgsbygg Oslo KF's properties. |
Investigation into local referendums. |
Follow-up research on digital learning in elementary school. |
The procurement of project management services for the construction of the new Ullerål primary school, Hønefoss North. |
06.02.2017 12.00 |
1003601 Project New National Museum — H145 Coordinator. |
20.02.2017 11.00 |
Cleaning services, dental clinics. |
06.02.2017 12.00 |
Coffee vending machines, water dispensers and kitchen equipment. |
23.02.2017 12.00 |
Institutional kitchen equipment and white goods. |
01.03.2017 12.00 |
Cleaning Products. |
11.01.2017 12.00 |
VAF-F2016.006 LMS VAF 2016 — Learning Management System. |
Procurement of a wheel-bound material handling machine. |
OFA-F2015.023 OFA IT hardware 2016 — 2019. |
Procurement of electrical taxi bicycles with a service contract. |
Framework agreement for cleaning products, Øvre Romerike. |
Framework agreement for work clothes and protective equipment. |
Universal fluoroscopy and x-ray stand for the Radiology Department, Section for children and youth, Helse Bergen. |
Procurement of iPads for school use — Notodden municipality. |
10.02.2017 12.00 |
Two aliquoting robots, an optimized solution for the controlled freezing of aliquoted sample material (-80 °C) and transportation carriers for sample material. |
Framework agreement, Trade services for Oppegård municipality. |
16.01.2017 12.00 |
Strand Sixth Form College; the Building for Nature use, Principal contract Technical disciplines. |
Project — Skjønhaugenga Welfare housing. |
Main water pipeline — Lot S. |