
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31
Overskrift Tilbudsfrist
To alikvoteringsroboter, løsning for nedfrysning av prøver og bokser for transport av prøver til biobank
Prosjekt - Skjønhaugenga Omsorgsbolig
Renholdstjenester Nedre Romerike tingretts lokaler i Lillestrøm
Reinhald tannklinikkar 06.02.2017 12.00
Følgeforskning på digital læring i grunnskolen
1003601 Prosjekt Nytt Nasjonalmuseum - H145 ITB-Koordinator 20.02.2017 11.00
Rammeavtale renholdsprodukter, Øvre Romerike
Hovedvannledning Hurdalsjøen - Parsell S
Kjøp av elektriske taxisykler med serviceavtale
Strand videregående skole - Bygg for Naturbruk - Hovedentreprise Tekniske fag
Rammeavtale rådgivende ingeniør VVS
Innkjøp av Ipad for skolebruk - Notodden kommune 10.02.2017 12.00
Material 2.16.
Installation of pipe systems — Nye Vågen sewage pump station. 03.02.2017 12.00
Cleaning services Nedre Romerike courthouse's premises in Lillestrøm.
A framework agreement for joinery and carpentry work — Contract Award.
Framework agreement consultant engineer HVAC and sanitation.
Network services for NVE.
Procurement of a framework agreement for scanners and services connected to electronic counting of voting slips (scanning). Applies to all municipalities and counties.
A transportation agreement.
Framework agreement for checking playground equipment, fences and gates on Omsorgsbygg Oslo KF's properties.
Investigation into local referendums.
Follow-up research on digital learning in elementary school.
The procurement of project management services for the construction of the new Ullerål primary school, Hønefoss North. 06.02.2017 12.00
1003601 Project New National Museum — H145 Coordinator. 20.02.2017 11.00
Cleaning services, dental clinics. 06.02.2017 12.00
Coffee vending machines, water dispensers and kitchen equipment. 23.02.2017 12.00
Institutional kitchen equipment and white goods. 01.03.2017 12.00
Cleaning Products. 11.01.2017 12.00
VAF-F2016.006 LMS VAF 2016 — Learning Management System.
Procurement of a wheel-bound material handling machine.
OFA-F2015.023 OFA IT hardware 2016 — 2019.
Procurement of electrical taxi bicycles with a service contract.
Framework agreement for cleaning products, Øvre Romerike.
Framework agreement for work clothes and protective equipment.
Universal fluoroscopy and x-ray stand for the Radiology Department, Section for children and youth, Helse Bergen.
Procurement of iPads for school use — Notodden municipality. 10.02.2017 12.00
Two aliquoting robots, an optimized solution for the controlled freezing of aliquoted sample material (-80 °C) and transportation carriers for sample material.
Framework agreement, Trade services for Oppegård municipality. 16.01.2017 12.00
Strand Sixth Form College; the Building for Nature use, Principal contract Technical disciplines.
Project — Skjønhaugenga Welfare housing.
Main water pipeline — Lot S.

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