E6 Drainage works Hvam — Gardermoen N, Skedsmovollen — Grankrysset.

Informacija apie pirkimą

2016-11-08 10:41 (GMT+02:00)
2017-02-14 12:00

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Statens vegvesen Region øst (The Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Eastern Region) Statens vegvesen Region øst (The Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Eastern Region)
Development, Romerike Development, Romerike
Kanirash Kamran
Postboks 1010
2605 Lillehammer

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The works mainly consist of renovation of old surface water pipelines (excavating and replacing) on both sides of the E6 between Skedsmovollen in Skedsmo municipality and Grankrysset in Sørum municipality. The section has a length of approx. 4.4 km and crosses several gully valleys.

Replacement of manholes and pipes, service pipes and drainage system. Renovation of hose cover where this is described.

Necessary securing work with sheet piling and relieving measures are included where the ground conditions require this. The estimated scopes are approx. 2 200 m pipe renovation by using pipe lining.

The work is drawing based with tables. Pipe inspections have been carried out and condition reports have been prepared. Ground surveys are available for the stretch, which were carried out when the motorway was constructed. There may have been some ground levelling by ground owners in some areas.

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