Mercell Tender Archive

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Name Closing date
Kunstgress Havstad 7-er bane 4/10/2015 12:00 PM
AMO Å: Pleieassistentkurs med norsk og veiledet praksis for arbeidssøkere med innvandrerbakgrunn 4/21/2015 1:00 PM
Låneopptak Saltdal kommune
Utvikling av visuell identitet og merkevareplattform
Årås skule – Nye ventilasjonsanlegg og oppgradering av vegger, tak og fasadar 4/24/2015 12:00 PM
Rammeavtale tømrer- og snekkerarbeider Moss 4/22/2015 12:00 PM
RammeavtaleSpesialrådgiver – flyoperative forhold for helikopterlandingsplasser ved sykehus 4/23/2015 12:00 PM
Beredskapshjem, fosterhjem 4/7/2015 12:00 PM
Brannstasjon og personal bygg 5/5/2015 1:00 PM
3522 UiA, K201 - solskjerming bygg 19J 4/8/2015 1:00 PM
Nes ungdomsskole-nytt ventilasjonsanlegg 4/27/2015 12:00 PM
Fedje skule - Rehabilitering av fasader 4/30/2015 12:00 PM
Fasadebehandling maler, Løvstakkveien 32, 32 A-B, 34-46 4/17/2015 2:00 PM
Rentrom moduler og installasjon 4/13/2015 12:00 PM
E39 Svegatjørn - Rådal - K6 Forberedende anleggsarbeider 4/21/2015 12:00 PM
Fv 705 Stigamælen GSV 4/28/2015 12:00 PM
Kjøpmannsgata 18 - drenering og opprusting gårdsrom 4/20/2015 3:30 PM
Fv 30 Ombygging av Sundfloen hengebru. 4/23/2015 1:00 PM
Drift, skjøtsel og vedlikeholdsdrift av utomhus arealer på Kristiansten festning, Trondheim. 4/20/2015 9:00 AM
ANSK-2112-14 Servise og dekketøy til Universitetsaulaen og museumskafeen 4/17/2015 12:00 PM
Prosjektutvikler og prosjektleder for utvidelse av Østersund ungdomsskole 4/15/2015 1:00 PM
Bil - Jobbsentralen i Rauma 4/14/2015 2:00 PM
2+3 omsorgsboliger 4/16/2015 12:00 PM
Rehabilitering Trøgstad ungdomsskole 5/11/2015 1:00 PM
Leveranse av pumpestasjoner Alta Vest
Sumstad vannverk - Grunnvannspumpe med pumpehus og tilhørende ledningsanlegg
Kjøp av konsulenttjeneste, 2 kontrollingeniører til tunnel
Tannklinikk Kautokeino Rørentreprise 4/17/2015 3:30 PM
Klatrepark i Måløy sentrum 5/6/2015 12:00 PM
Dørlåser, nøkler og beslag med videre 4/29/2015 12:00 PM
Fortau Råholtgutua, Eidsvoll kommune 4/20/2015 12:00 PM
Landmålertjenester 4/29/2015 12:00 PM
Låneopptak, Audnedal kommune 5/5/2015 1:00 PM
Tjenestebiler Familie 4/23/2015 12:00 PM
Aukra kommune. Julsundet skole og fleirbrukshus. Innkjøp av teknisk rådgjeving 4/9/2015 2:00 PM
Huseby, brønner og varmepumper. K301 Generalentreprise.
Rehabilitering av Fjellsdalen kunstgressbane 4/10/2015 2:00 PM
Levanger kommune, Frol oppvekstsenter - anskaffelse løst inventar 4/30/2015 12:00 PM
KnS-i Mindre utredningsoppdrag innen VA-området (vann- og avløp) (201412186) 4/30/2015 12:00 PM
Renovering av tak Kvænangen Flerbrukshus 4/17/2015 12:00 PM
Kjøp av varebil VA 4/21/2015 12:00 PM
Mindre vegtiltak 2015 - Sunnhordland
Kjøp av 1 stk. sanntids PCR-instrument 4/29/2015 12:00 PM
Consultancy services ICT operations and administration.
Asphalting of roads and spaces. 4/24/2015 12:00 PM
A framework agreement for cleaning services, Ullensaker cinema, a cultural centre and an intermunicipal emergency clinic. 4/20/2015 12:00 PM
Rådhusplassen and Sjøgata — renovation of outdoor areas.
136-BYM-2014 Veitvetveien Miljøprioritert gjennomkjøring
Rammeavtale for prosjektering
Konsulenttjenester for å foreta en gjennomgang av Hedmark fylkeskommunes skolestruktur og tilbudsstruktur 5/8/2015 12:00 PM
Utdyping Verdens Ende fiskerihavn 4/1/2015 1:00 PM
Service and maintenance on x-ray machines and metal detectors.
Parallel framework agreement for engineering design consultancy services of road, water and sewage.
Framework agreement for consultancy services for project support.
Transport of valuables.
Framework agreement for broker/property consultant for the sale and development of municipal properties in Ullensaker municipality. 4/24/2015 12:00 PM
Delivery of system parts and lock components as well as a lock system and service and maintenance of locks/fittings for Ullevål hospital. 4/24/2015 10:00 AM
Construction work
Request for information nr 9897955 Camouflage.
Special equipment pathology.
Framework agreement for building materials 14/3242.
Tender 14/5693 Hygiene aids.
U.11.G Angiography. 5/8/2015 1:00 PM
Framework agreement for office and computer supplies, as well as school material. 4/28/2015 1:00 PM
Framework agreement ICT equipment. 5/15/2015 12:00 PM
Cleaner harbor; improvement of environmental conditions on the seabed in Trondheim harbor.
Development of Hjalmar Johansen sixth form college — Pre-qualification to a price and design contest with collaboration. 4/9/2015 12:00 PM
12128 Tromsø Police Station — BRUP K953 Car washing machine. 4/30/2015 2:00 PM
Lokalpostkjøring Bergen 4/17/2015 12:00 PM
Kjøp og vedlikehold av nytt intranett 5/18/2015 12:00 PM
Insurance services
Leie av ringnotfartøy til forsøk med slippemetodikk og fangstkontroll av makrell og sild i notfiske - toktnr 2015 826
Procurement of FM (Facility Management) services to the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (henceforth referred to as NAV), region mid Norway.
Agreement for the delivery of auction services.
Collection of hazardous waste and bulky waste.
Investments loan 2015, Søndre Land municipality.
2014 Framework agreement for electrical energy.
Procurement of submarine cables and protective pipes.
Framework agreement for the purchase of vehicles for transport of remand prisoners and convicted prisoners.
Framework agreement for the procurement office supplies for the Directorate of Norwegian Correctional Service.
Diesel. 5/11/2015 12:00 PM
Framework agreement for the delivery of light fuel oil/winter diesel/bio fuel oil in bulk. 4/22/2015 9:00 AM
Dental x-ray sensor.
Installation of computer cabling
Kjøp av ladestasjoner for el-biler RV 9 - Setesdal
Taktekking- Namsos barneskole
Utenomhus tiltak på Bergen jernbanestasjon, gnr.166, bnr. 952, 4/16/2015 12:00 PM
Prosjektering og bygging av EMP-Rom Mosjøen Trafo 4/10/2015 12:00 PM
Utviding av Hemsedal kyrkjegard 4/16/2015 12:00 PM
Utskifting av vinduer . maling av fasader - Møhlenpris III 4/20/2015 2:00 PM
Fv 714 Ny veg og tunneler i Snilldal: Skogrydding
Rammeavtale for kjøp av vikartjenester 5/7/2015 12:00 PM
Anbud redskapsbærer/hjullaster 4/24/2015 12:00 PM
Daily cleaning, including caretaker services. 5/5/2015 10:00 AM
P3051 fatigue life prolongation, updating of 3 coast guard vessels, the Nordkapp classification.
Extension of the SISAM system, Maintenance and operating agreement.SISAM is a communication system between the ground systems and military aircrafts.
ICT operating services. Undervisningsbygg.
ANSK-2209-14 Control plant, new top system.
The collection, transport and delivery of glass and metal packaging from collection units in Oslo, as well as snow clearing and sand/salt scattering services.
Framework agreements for construction manager services.
12376 RKV STI, H011 Vibration measurers.
Procurement of laundry services for the home care service in the Nordstrand district.
Framework agreement for the hire of excavators.
Framework agreement for consultancy services for the BizTalk integration tool.
IT operational contract 2015-2019.
Mapping of violations of working time regulations.
Procurement of Product design and architect services.
Charter buses for Lillehammer 2016.
Innkjøp gravemaskin 4/16/2015 12:00 PM
Procurement of a framework agreement for Construction manager services. 4/27/2015 2:00 PM
Framework agreement for the procurement and maintenance of Vmware licences. 4/29/2015 12:00 PM
15-005 Printing services. 4/28/2015 12:00 PM
Framework agreement Electronic communication and preparation of a new net site. 4/27/2015 1:00 PM
Drengsrud temporary sports hall. 4/28/2015 10:00 AM
Procurement of food for volunteers and potentially other client groups. 5/1/2015 12:00 PM
Parallel framework agreements, bank loan. 4/21/2015 12:00 PM
Service contract for fire alarms, gas alarms and extinguishing installations. 4/22/2015 12:00 PM
Plumbing services. 5/4/2015 12:00 PM
Biological treatment of food waste. 4/22/2015 12:00 PM
RFI: System for exchanging digital forms/structured information between inhabitants and the specialist health service.
Ferry transport services
Statistical software package
Automation system 4/15/2015 1:00 PM
Auction services
Fire and explosion protection and control consultancy services 4/22/2015 11:00 AM
13 7398 Electrical wheelchairs, drive aggregates and services.
Framework agreement for the procurement of multi-functional machines.
Framework agreement for UPS with additional equipment.
Framework agreement PC equipment and services.
Tender 14/252 Safety ramps.
Framework agreement 14/01874 procurement of consumables (office material, cleaning products, packaging and catering products).
Procurement of 1 flowcytometer with instrument dependent consumables.
Patient Monitoring System for Luranetunet in Os kommune. 4/20/2015 12:00 PM
Open tender contest — procurement of IT equipment and accessories. 4/28/2015 12:00 PM
Procurement of arena decor — framework agreement. 5/1/2015 12:00 PM
Concrete floating jetty — Flora, inner harbour. 4/30/2015 10:00 AM
Framework agreement for text books, workbooks, digital learning resources etc. 4/13/2015 12:00 PM
Radar based oil detection system for vessels. 4/22/2015 12:00 PM
The procurement of a standby carriage. 5/4/2015 12:00 PM
2D barcode pipes for biobank.
Electric coffee makers
Laser printers
Document creation, drawing, imaging, scheduling and productivity software package 3/31/2015 12:00 PM
Pre-qualification: Framework agreements: Automatic controls, Central control systems and Fire alarm systems — PA systems — Ørland. 4/15/2015 12:00 PM
County Road 541 Hestaneset — Tjong.
MIRA Treatment plant — SørumContract V1 heating and sanitary installations.
MIRA IKS — Tangen RA — Electrotechnical installations, E1.
12376 RKV STI K202 Ground work.
Buildings and construction works license — high speed broadband. 4/27/2015 12:00 PM
Rammeavtale - renholdsprodukter og mykpapir 5/4/2015 12:00 PM
74333 TCD Nevrologi 5/4/2015 12:00 PM
Avklaring - Østfold
SD-anlegg ved Varatun og Ganddal Barnehage
HiH Hamar - Ombygging av kjeller
Busstjenester Hønefoss - Oslo 5/13/2015 12:00 PM
Renhold Haugesund lufthavn Karmøy 4/22/2015 10:00 AM
Kjøp av kaffemaskiner 4/10/2015 12:00 PM
Rådgivning kommunikasjon
RAMMEAVTALE Grønnsaker, Poteter, Frukt og Bær til kommunene på Øvre Romerike
Kjemikalier til Gardermoen-og Kløfta renseanlegg
RAmmeavtale Renholdsprodukter, og Papir og plast
Rammeavtale Containere
Elektrikertjenester, datakabling, termografering og internkontroll av el. anlegg til kommunene på Øvre Romerike
Rammeavtale for temperaturindikatorer

Mercell Holding AS

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