Geotechnical investigations, Lillebælt Syd Nearshore Wind Farm


Udbud med forhandling
23-12-2017 09:19 (GMT+01:00)
23-01-2018 14:00


Sønderborg Affald A/S Sønderborg Affald A/S
Betina Hylleberg Skjøth Betina Hylleberg Skjøth
Ellegårdvej 8
6400 Sønderborg

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The purpose of the works is to carry out and document offshore geo-technical investigations at the site of Lillebælt Syd nearshore wind farm of 20 to 44 wind turbines of 3.6 MW – 8 MW each. The total installed capacity is up to 160 MW. The foundations can either be monopiles, gravity based foundations or suction buckets (to be determined). The work is part of the initial investigations alongside an environmental impact assessment.

The objective of the works is to verify the ground conditions investigated by the geophysical survey and to establish design parameters for the geo-technical design of the foundations.

The final reporting is in May, 2018.

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