Framework Agreement for sanitation vehicles, 2018

Информация о тендерe

Open procedure
26.06.2018 9:41 (GMT+02:00)
10.08.2018 12:00

Информация о покупателе

Innherred Renovasjon IKS Innherred Renovasjon IKS
Preben Godø Preben Godø
Russervegen 10
7652 Verdal
971 217 391

Closing date has passed.

Информация о тендере

IR IKS and ReTrans Midt AS shall enter into a Framework Agreement for the procurement of sanitation vehicles. A comprehensive description of the delivery is given in the tender documentation. Estimated volume of the Framework Agreement: the estimated volume during the agreement period is approx. 10 — 30 units. Continuous evaluations are made on whether or not the Contracting Authority shall procure diesel-powered refuse collection vehicles or biogas-operated vehicles. The assessments for selecting refuse collection vehicles shall be made in connection with each individual call-off, based on where and what the different refuse collection vehicles shall be used for.

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