Framework Agreement for sanitation vehicles, 2018


Open procedure
26.06.2018 09:41 (GMT+02:00)
10.08.2018 12:00


Innherred Renovasjon IKS Innherred Renovasjon IKS
Preben Godø Preben Godø
Russervegen 10
7652 Verdal
971 217 391

Closing date has passed.

Short description

IR IKS and ReTrans Midt AS shall enter into a Framework Agreement for the procurement of sanitation vehicles. A comprehensive description of the delivery is given in the tender documentation. Estimated volume of the Framework Agreement: the estimated volume during the agreement period is approx. 10 — 30 units. Continuous evaluations are made on whether or not the Contracting Authority shall procure diesel-powered refuse collection vehicles or biogas-operated vehicles. The assessments for selecting refuse collection vehicles shall be made in connection with each individual call-off, based on where and what the different refuse collection vehicles shall be used for.

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