
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
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Overskrift Tilbudsfrist
Procurement of real-time information system. 19.04.2018 12.00
Multimedia Solutions /Digital signage 18.04.2018 12.00
K-187109 Airfield Lighting, Control and monitoring equipment
187031 - Avinor AS - Procurement of ID cards and printers 24.04.2018 12.00
Procurement of temporary staff 15.05.2018 12.00
Waste collection IØR
Framework agreement — spring cleaning and on-call temporary staff
Landline telephony, mobile telephony and mobile broad band
2017-052 Further development of websites and intranet
Framework Agreement, Land Planning and Consultant Engineers Road, Water and Sewage and other Technical Infrastructure (Technical Planning)
Examination lamps Vestre Viken
Framework Agreement for Joinery Services and Accompanying Materials
Wood waste and CCA wood waste RIR 02.05.2018 12.00
Procurement of evaluation assignment — Pilot for structured cross discipline follow up team. 02.05.2018 12.00
Boat Tender, Lurøy 04.05.2018 09.00
Framework agreement plumbing works 30.04.2018 12.00
Operations Contract 0901 Contract 28 Gritting Materials and stock at Evje. 26.04.2018 12.00
Boat Tender, Væran and Gildeskål 30.04.2018 09.00
TO-18-01: Consulting Group and Construction Management for renewal of the central school in Tolga. 23.04.2018 12.00
A framework agreement for transport of weights for Justervesenet, Distriktskontor Midt-Norge. 07.05.2018 15.00
Architect and Engineering Design Group 03.05.2018 11.00
Cost review of transformer stations in the transmission network. 30.04.2018 12.00
Framework Agreement for Electrician Services 30.04.2018 12.00
Framework agreement for cleaning services at Stavanger Tinghus [Town Hall]. 07.05.2018 12.00
Framework contract for building services 26.04.2018 12.00
Prior Information Notice - delivery of FASTlab cassettes - UNN, SAN, STO
Teaching aids for primary and secondary schools 24.04.2018 12.00
Medical consumables — Endoscopy — Helse Stavanger HF 04.05.2018 12.00
Framework agreement for fresh confectionery. 07.05.2018 12.00
18/00145-18/00157 — Procurement of x-ray equipment for Sørlandet sykehus HF [Sørlandet Hospital Trust]. 09.05.2018 12.00
Fuel and transport supplies 30.04.2018 12.00
The New Munch Museum — Lighting equipment 02.05.2018 12.00
Biogas vehicles 26.04.2018 12.00
Turnkey contract NS 8407 Public Health Centre with a swimming pool
P6-2 Entreprise E2 STYRT Boring
P6-2 Entreprise E2 Vannledning Langnes Åga
E16 Bagn - Bjørgo, The Bagnskleiv Tunnel Electro/CRM. 25.04.2018 12.00
Contract 7 — Noise reduction measures outside the base 15.05.2018 12.00
Propane heating of smoke diving house. 03.05.2018 12.00

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