Overskrift |
Tilbudsfrist |
Procurement of real-time information system. |
19.04.2018 12.00 |
Multimedia Solutions /Digital signage |
18.04.2018 12.00 |
K-187109 Airfield Lighting, Control and monitoring equipment |
187031 - Avinor AS - Procurement of ID cards and printers |
24.04.2018 12.00 |
Procurement of temporary staff |
15.05.2018 12.00 |
Waste collection IØR |
Framework agreement — spring cleaning and on-call temporary staff |
Landline telephony, mobile telephony and mobile broad band |
2017-052 Further development of websites and intranet |
Framework Agreement, Land Planning and Consultant Engineers Road, Water and Sewage and other Technical Infrastructure (Technical Planning) |
Examination lamps Vestre Viken |
Framework Agreement for Joinery Services and Accompanying Materials |
Wood waste and CCA wood waste RIR |
02.05.2018 12.00 |
Procurement of evaluation assignment — Pilot for structured cross discipline follow up team. |
02.05.2018 12.00 |
Boat Tender, Lurøy |
04.05.2018 09.00 |
Framework agreement plumbing works |
30.04.2018 12.00 |
Operations Contract 0901 Contract 28 Gritting Materials and stock at Evje. |
26.04.2018 12.00 |
Boat Tender, Væran and Gildeskål |
30.04.2018 09.00 |
TO-18-01: Consulting Group and Construction Management for renewal of the central school in Tolga. |
23.04.2018 12.00 |
A framework agreement for transport of weights for Justervesenet, Distriktskontor Midt-Norge. |
07.05.2018 15.00 |
Architect and Engineering Design Group |
03.05.2018 11.00 |
Cost review of transformer stations in the transmission network. |
30.04.2018 12.00 |
Framework Agreement for Electrician Services |
30.04.2018 12.00 |
Framework agreement for cleaning services at Stavanger Tinghus [Town Hall]. |
07.05.2018 12.00 |
Framework contract for building services |
26.04.2018 12.00 |
Prior Information Notice - delivery of FASTlab cassettes - UNN, SAN, STO |
Teaching aids for primary and secondary schools |
24.04.2018 12.00 |
Medical consumables — Endoscopy — Helse Stavanger HF |
04.05.2018 12.00 |
Framework agreement for fresh confectionery. |
07.05.2018 12.00 |
18/00145-18/00157 — Procurement of x-ray equipment for Sørlandet sykehus HF [Sørlandet Hospital Trust]. |
09.05.2018 12.00 |
Fuel and transport supplies |
30.04.2018 12.00 |
The New Munch Museum — Lighting equipment |
02.05.2018 12.00 |
Biogas vehicles |
26.04.2018 12.00 |
Turnkey contract NS 8407 Public Health Centre with a swimming pool |
P6-2 Entreprise E2 STYRT Boring |
P6-2 Entreprise E2 Vannledning Langnes Åga |
E16 Bagn - Bjørgo, The Bagnskleiv Tunnel Electro/CRM. |
25.04.2018 12.00 |
Contract 7 — Noise reduction measures outside the base |
15.05.2018 12.00 |
Propane heating of smoke diving house. |
03.05.2018 12.00 |