
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31
Overskrift Tilbudsfrist
Produksjon av mobil flåte til geotekniske undersøkelser
Rammeavtale for kjøp av vann- og avløpsmateriell
Ren-stoffer og internstandarder til rusmiddelanalyser, legemidler, hormoner og vitaminer med tilhørende metabolitter
Kjøp av vikartjenester 23.04.2018 12.00
Konkurransedokumenter på høring ifm. ny konkurranse om profesjonelle vaskerimaskiner
SUS2023 - K6801 Sengevask 16.04.2018 12.00
2018/415 Anmodning om informasjon: Respirator nyfødt intensiv Sykehuset i Vestfold
EØS 002-2018 Farmasøytiske tjenester til Bergen kommune 04.04.2018 12.00
Utbedring veilysanlegg i Alta kommune
Sterile hansker til bruk i isolator og hansker til mikrokirurgi/invasiv kardiologi 04.04.2018 13.00
Beskyttelsebriller, rammer og skjermer 06.04.2018 13.00
Rammeavtale - kontormøbler for Sør Varanger kommune 06.04.2018 12.00
Konsulentbistand mulighetsstudie Bawgata - Myanmar 12.04.2018 12.00
Ålesund sjukehus - Fasadefornying Generalentreprise 06.04.2018 12.00
Entreprise E 30 Røranlegg 27.04.2018 12.00
Entreprise E36 Ventilasjon 27.04.2018 12.00
Madrass, dyner og puter - Terningmoen leir 27.03.2018 12.00
18/208 Rammeavtaler for møbler 13.04.2018 12.00
EN-18-03 Ventilasjonsaggregat til svømmehall 10.04.2018 12.00
Rammeavtale for renholdstjenester i Bergen 09.04.2018 12.00
Video-surveillance system 12.04.2018 09.00
Framework agreement for the procurement and delivery of hydrated lime.
Ventilation plant, terminal south - Torp Sandefjord Airport 20.04.2018 13.00
BPA (user-controlled personal assistance) — Individual users
Hire — Project Director new water supply 20.04.2018 12.00
Project and construction management for the Municipal Building in Sandvika 14.04.2018 10.00
Evaluation of the implementation of the framework plan in kindergartens 16.04.2018 12.00
Bus tender, Nord Troms. 19.04.2018 12.00
Cleaning services for Borgarting Lagmannsrett 21.03.2018 12.00
Framework agreement on ventilation installation works in Hedmark and Oppland
Canteen management
EEA 047-2017 Child and pupil accident, collective accident users, collective accident contractors and travel insurance for Bergen municipality
Framework agreement for consultancy services
A framework agreement on service and leakage control on cooling plants in Oppland and Hedmark
Management of green areas at INN University campus Lillhammer and campus Hamar
Waste management, the Governmental quarter and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Competition for strategic and operational advertising agency services
Procurement of a solution for 2 factor authentication 25.04.2018 12.00
Floor Laying Services 25.04.2018 12.00
Emptying of private sludge interceptors in Harstad and Kvæfjord municipalities. 20.04.2018 12.00
Framework agreement for ventilation and air conditioning services at Statsbygg's properties in Region South — Procurement 27.04.2018 12.00
Consultancy — Development work for the finance management system UBW /Agresso 20.04.2018 12.00
1018501 UiT ILP Builder ombudsman and SHA coordinator for the execution phase (KU) H001 04.05.2018 13.00
0901 Setesdal contract 14 Winter operations 17.04.2018 12.00
Cleaning Services for Gulatings plass 1 16.04.2018 12.00
Clearing and digitising of historic archives 30.04.2018 12.00
RTG-software for the Dental Health service in Trøndelag County 04.04.2018 12.00
New, demo or well maintained used tool carrier.
Tender 2018 Food products
Procurement and installation of variable LED signs for Otta Trafikkstasjon [Otta Traffic Station]. 25.04.2018 12.00
Hire of coffee brewers and water dispensers. 26.04.2018 12.00
Tender 2018 — the purchase of gas and hire of gas cylinders 23.04.2018 12.00
Framework agreement fuel Jet A1 04.05.2018 12.00
Procurement of audiovisual equipment. 19.04.2018 12.00
Automation Gautesete school and framework agreement 14.05.2018 12.00
Rana Hall Rehabilitation. 27.04.2018 12.00
SUS2023 — K6501 Textile and waste vacuum system 16.04.2018 12.00

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