Overskrift |
Tilbudsfrist |
Produksjon av mobil flåte til geotekniske undersøkelser |
Rammeavtale for kjøp av vann- og avløpsmateriell |
Ren-stoffer og internstandarder til rusmiddelanalyser, legemidler, hormoner og vitaminer med tilhørende metabolitter |
Kjøp av vikartjenester |
23.04.2018 12.00 |
Konkurransedokumenter på høring ifm. ny konkurranse om profesjonelle vaskerimaskiner |
SUS2023 - K6801 Sengevask |
16.04.2018 12.00 |
2018/415 Anmodning om informasjon: Respirator nyfødt intensiv Sykehuset i Vestfold |
EØS 002-2018 Farmasøytiske tjenester til Bergen kommune |
04.04.2018 12.00 |
Utbedring veilysanlegg i Alta kommune |
Sterile hansker til bruk i isolator og hansker til mikrokirurgi/invasiv kardiologi |
04.04.2018 13.00 |
Beskyttelsebriller, rammer og skjermer |
06.04.2018 13.00 |
Rammeavtale - kontormøbler for Sør Varanger kommune |
06.04.2018 12.00 |
Konsulentbistand mulighetsstudie Bawgata - Myanmar |
12.04.2018 12.00 |
Ålesund sjukehus - Fasadefornying Generalentreprise |
06.04.2018 12.00 |
Entreprise E 30 Røranlegg |
27.04.2018 12.00 |
Entreprise E36 Ventilasjon |
27.04.2018 12.00 |
Madrass, dyner og puter - Terningmoen leir |
27.03.2018 12.00 |
18/208 Rammeavtaler for møbler |
13.04.2018 12.00 |
EN-18-03 Ventilasjonsaggregat til svømmehall |
10.04.2018 12.00 |
Rammeavtale for renholdstjenester i Bergen |
09.04.2018 12.00 |
Video-surveillance system |
12.04.2018 09.00 |
Framework agreement for the procurement and delivery of hydrated lime. |
Ventilation plant, terminal south - Torp Sandefjord Airport |
20.04.2018 13.00 |
BPA (user-controlled personal assistance) — Individual users |
Hire — Project Director new water supply |
20.04.2018 12.00 |
Project and construction management for the Municipal Building in Sandvika |
14.04.2018 10.00 |
Evaluation of the implementation of the framework plan in kindergartens |
16.04.2018 12.00 |
Bus tender, Nord Troms. |
19.04.2018 12.00 |
Cleaning services for Borgarting Lagmannsrett |
21.03.2018 12.00 |
Framework agreement on ventilation installation works in Hedmark and Oppland |
Canteen management |
EEA 047-2017 Child and pupil accident, collective accident users, collective accident contractors and travel insurance for Bergen municipality |
Framework agreement for consultancy services |
A framework agreement on service and leakage control on cooling plants in Oppland and Hedmark |
Management of green areas at INN University campus Lillhammer and campus Hamar |
Waste management, the Governmental quarter and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health |
Competition for strategic and operational advertising agency services |
Procurement of a solution for 2 factor authentication |
25.04.2018 12.00 |
Floor Laying Services |
25.04.2018 12.00 |
Emptying of private sludge interceptors in Harstad and Kvæfjord municipalities. |
20.04.2018 12.00 |
Framework agreement for ventilation and air conditioning services at Statsbygg's properties in Region South — Procurement |
27.04.2018 12.00 |
Consultancy — Development work for the finance management system UBW /Agresso |
20.04.2018 12.00 |
1018501 UiT ILP Builder ombudsman and SHA coordinator for the execution phase (KU) H001 |
04.05.2018 13.00 |
0901 Setesdal contract 14 Winter operations |
17.04.2018 12.00 |
Cleaning Services for Gulatings plass 1 |
16.04.2018 12.00 |
Clearing and digitising of historic archives |
30.04.2018 12.00 |
RTG-software for the Dental Health service in Trøndelag County |
04.04.2018 12.00 |
New, demo or well maintained used tool carrier. |
Tender 2018 Food products |
Procurement and installation of variable LED signs for Otta Trafikkstasjon [Otta Traffic Station]. |
25.04.2018 12.00 |
Hire of coffee brewers and water dispensers. |
26.04.2018 12.00 |
Tender 2018 — the purchase of gas and hire of gas cylinders |
23.04.2018 12.00 |
Framework agreement fuel Jet A1 |
04.05.2018 12.00 |
Procurement of audiovisual equipment. |
19.04.2018 12.00 |
Automation Gautesete school and framework agreement |
14.05.2018 12.00 |
Rana Hall Rehabilitation. |
27.04.2018 12.00 |
SUS2023 — K6501 Textile and waste vacuum system |
16.04.2018 12.00 |