
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28
Overskrift Tilbudsfrist
Rassikring av strekning i Undelstadveien
Fiber mellom Bommestad og Svarstad
Treningsavtale - Veksthuset Rogaland
Effektivitet i kommunale tjenester - casestudier 17.03.2017 12.00
Profileringsartikler 10.03.2017 12.00
KK Gjerder og sveise-/smijernsprodukter, levering og montering
SAK 116090 Rammeavtale for arkivering, datarekvisita, kontormaskiner, kontorrekvisita, papirprodukter, presentasjonsmateriell, skolemateriell og skriveredskap.
Hjullaster 14,5 - 17 tonn 17.03.2017 08.00
Snørydding og brøyting Sør-Varanger kommune 2017-2021 21.03.2017 12.00
Tartu Kõrgemale Kunstikoolile tog adgangskontroll til Flora Hamn KF 03.03.2017 12.00
Vikhagan nærlekeplass og park 28.03.2017 12.00
Sykkelhotellene kommer! 07.04.2017 12.00
ANSK-2679-17 Håkon Sheteligs plass 10 - fasaderehabilitering 13.03.2017 12.00
Anskaffelse av 5 (7) Småhus i Sandnes kommune 10.03.2017 10.00
Rammeavtale på kontroll og vedlikehold av manuelt brannslokkeutstyr
Bysykkelordning i Levanger kommune
Tømming og transport av septikslam
Veg og VA-anlegg Hegnavegen Trinn II 14.03.2017 10.00
Sak/Arkivsystem med tilhørende tjenester - ref. nr. 216404 01.03.2017 12.00
Banktjenester 2017
Rammeavtale IKT utstyr generelt 27.02.2017 12.00
Rammeavtale IKT utstyr i skolene 27.02.2017 12.00
2017/34 - Konsulentoppdrag og konsulentbistand 03.03.2017 12.00
BKK-2016-256 Corporation — Company health services. 13.03.2017 10.00
E-0208 ICT consultancy services. 10.03.2017 12.00
Voluntary ex ante transparency notice — the procurement of parts/accessories to micro-strainers, including assembly thereof. 01.03.2017 12.00
System for Mobile Device Management (MDM2016) — Qualification.
Consultancy assistance for system administration.
A framework agreement for external assistance for the Ministry of Transport and Communications' (henceforth also referred to as SD) current agreement, as well as preparation of future procurements for sea transport services on the Bergen — Kirkenes route.
Procurement of equipment, licences and maintenance of SafeCom's secure printout system.
A consultancy assignment for the reassessment of a price and cost model.
1804 Mo 2017 — 2022. 23.03.2017 12.00
Framework agreement for the management of green areas, area 2 on Drammen Eiendom KF's properties. 17.03.2017 11.00
Waste management services Hospital Telemark. 24.03.2017 12.00
An agreement for waste management services. 17.03.2017 12.00
Signing and controlling digital documents for electronic registration and company certificate from BankID. 13.03.2017 12.00
The Norwegian Printing Museum — consultancy services RIE. 13.03.2017 12.00
KnS-i Procurement of IT equipment and servers. 15.02.2017 12.00
2016/1204 Framework agreement for Intensive Care Beds.
Procurement of groundsheets.
Procurement of Field Beds and Mosquito Nets.
Framework agreement, exercising equipment for the Norwegian Correctional Service.
Framework agreement for the procurement of office supplies etc.
A framework agreement for the purchase of gas and the hire of gas cylinders.
The procurement of patient signalling systems, an administration interface and sensor systems.
The procurement of a crew vehicle 2017. 22.03.2017 12.00
UNN A-wing MTU Heating-cooling-freezer equipment. 15.03.2017 12.00
Tank vehicle K34 2017. 22.03.2017 09.00
Fresh fish and fresh fish products. 27.03.2017 12.00
2016/365 PNA equipment and consumables — Prior information notice — Invitation to a dialogue conference.
Development Sandøytunet — Plumbing installations K(300). 07.03.2017 14.00
Rent of a site, loading hall and storage hall with the accompanying outside areas Either by constructing or altering an existing building.
The University College Ring; public transport and cycle paths measures. 27.03.2017 12.00
Prequalification to a restricted tender contest for the extension and alteration of Ål Arts Centre, Ål municipality. 29.03.2017 14.00
Sauland new school K301 — Plumbing work. 14.03.2017 12.00
Sauland new school K201 — Construction works for buildings. 14.03.2017 12.00
Sauland new school K302 — Ventilation work. 14.03.2017 12.00
Sauland new school K401 — Electrical work. 14.03.2017 12.00
Løypemaskin til Fauske kommune 15.03.2017 12.00
Rammeavtale - Elektroentrepriser - Nordlandsbanen Sør 06.03.2017 12.00
Rammeavtale - Elektroentrepriser - Nordlandsbanen Nord 06.03.2017 12.00

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