
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
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Overskrift Tilbudsfrist
16/1626 - Anskaffelse av Blodgassinstrumenter med tilhørende forbruksvarer
16/3029 Anskaffelse av Trombocyttaferesemaskin med tilhørende forbruksmateriell
16/3066 Anskaffelse av Ultralydapparat til Klinikk for hjertemedisin
Kjøp av legemidler
15/01725 Framework agreements for engineering design services.
The purchase of cleaning services for Sandvika Sixth Form College.
Framework agreement for technical consulting services.
Framework agreement for video production. 08.09.2016 12.00
The procurement of project administrative services for New Skien Sixth Form College. 23.08.2016 12.00
Information about the pending competition regarding ‘Collection and transport of household waste’.
Advisory and consultative engineering services
Real estate services with own property 16.08.2016 12.00
Allergy instrument.
Procurement of concrete pipes and manholes for cleaning the pipeline network at Litlagrønå, Vigrestad in Hå municipality.
LNG The Coast Guard.
Supply of Personal protection equipment.
Computer equipment and supplies
Occupational clothing, special workwear and accessories 15.07.2016 13.00
Machines and apparatus for testing and measuring 14.09.2016 15.00
Pharmaceutical products 14.07.2016 10.00
Valnesfjord School and Multi-Purpose hall — General contract — contract EP 01. 16.09.2016 12.00
E136 Dølsteinfonna, Fantebrauta and Romsdalen check point. 06.09.2016 11.00
Transmission pipes Skjønhaug — Laslett. 14.09.2016 12.00
The reconstruction of Vardheim day centre. 09.09.2016 13.00
Refurbishment work
16/6019 Trykkeritjenester til St. Olavs Hospital HF (Erstatter avlyst anbud nr. 15/8895) 30.08.2016 12.00

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