
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
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Overskrift Tilbudsfrist
2016/18889 Kjøp av IT-utstyr 14.11.2016 14.00
Hunstok Akersvann 2, sub-section 2 of section 2; Kihle Bridge — PV Stokke.
Winter maintenance municipal roads and squares 2016-2020.
Framework agreement for the purchase of journals and subscription services.
Consultant Assistance with the execution of the control scheme for watercourse lime in 2017 and 2018. 21.11.2016 14.00
Project management. 11.11.2016 15.00
"Konsesjonskraft IKS/Konsesjonskraftstyret i Telemark" — Management of concession power. 15.11.2016 12.00
Publishing Services for scientific publications. 10.11.2016 10.00
Consultancy services for feasibility studies on town development and guidance plans for public spaces. 14.11.2016 10.00
Case handling system, application portal and form system. 28.10.2016 12.00
Framework agreement, consulting, engineering design and engineering services for the disciplines HVAC, area planning and plan processes. 14.11.2016 15.00
Collection and transport of household waste. 10.11.2016 12.00
Framework agreement service conveyor belt. 04.11.2016 12.00
Notice of service concession for Fellestjenester BYGG.
Telephone and data transmission services 07.11.2016 12.00
Notice of intent for the Delivery of Nucleic Acid Extractor — automated isolation of total nucleic acid (RNA and DNA).
Playground equipment for Gullstølbotn Nursery School (EEA 004-2013 DPS Playground equipment). 17.10.2016 12.00
ÅM-16-13:The procurement of a new fire-fighting vehicle. 11.11.2016 12.00
Framework agreement for the purchase of furniture and fixtures. 11.11.2016 12.00
Glass for frames. 11.11.2016 12.00
Negative paste mixing machine for use in production of lead-acid batteries. 14.11.2016 12.00
Dry lead oxide filling machine. 14.11.2016 12.00
Waste Water Treatment Plant. 14.11.2016 12.00
Curing chambers to be used in manufacturing of lead-acid batteries. 14.11.2016 12.00
Railway materials
Software package and information systems
Machinery for the treatment of sewage 08.11.2016 13.00
E134 Damåsen - Saggrenda Elektro og SRO
Driftskontrakt E1005 Vest-Agder Elektro 2016-2021
Fv 38 HP1 19.10.2016 12.00
Fergelandsvegen - opprustning 13.10.2016 12.00
Skansemyren nærmiljøanlegg 21.10.2016 14.00
Prekvalifisering - Anskaffelse av rømmingsdører for Ryfylketunnelen 04.11.2016 12.00
Vintervedlikehold kommunale veier og plasser 14.10.2016 12.00

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