
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
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Overskrift Tilbudsfrist
Framework agreement — Municipal loans in the municipalities Gjøvik, Vestre Toten, Østre Toten, Søndre Land and Nordre Land.
Cleaning services for 5 public toilets and municipal housing in Hamar municipality.
Competition management tool and contract administration tool. 26.04.2016 12.00
Framework agreement on Project management and Construction management the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI). 02.05.2016 12.00
Framework agreement Co-ordinator of Integrated Technical Building Installations (ITB). 02.05.2016 14.00
Broadband development Hornindal part 2. 31.05.2016 13.00
Ballangen kommune — purchasing of general insurance, 2016. 03.05.2016 12.00
Consulting engineer services for Tau primary and lower secondary school ‘Superparken’ (The Super Park). 28.04.2016 12.00
The Norwegian Coastal Administration, the Pilot Service, invites tenderers to a supplier conference for a map programme for use in the pilot service.
Internet and intranet software package
Information technology services 12.04.2016 14.00
Dam-design services 18.04.2016 12.00
Auditing services 18.04.2016 12.00
Street-lighting maintenance services 12.04.2016 12.00
Tents for 500 reception places.
Framework agreement for the purchase of traffic signs with traffic safety information.
Framework agreement for the delivery of Office and computer supplies.
NTNU Dustbins.
Procurement of an automatic overhead crane.
An excavator for Vestre Toten municipality.
CT-laboratory. 29.04.2016 12.00
ERTMS NI Trackside — Procurement of a signalling system. 27.05.2016 12.00
Purchase of broadcasting systems for DAB and FM in the Nordkapp tunnel. 29.04.2016 12.00
Ventilation equipment
Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery
Pharmaceutical products 04.04.2016 12.00
Pharmaceutical products 04.04.2016 12.00
CT scanners 02.05.2016 12.00
Medical breathing devices 25.04.2016 10.00
U2241 Alvøen school — new east wing and renovation of the administration wing, general contract.
Ventilation work. 02.05.2016 12.00
Julsundet school and multi-purpose hall — collaboration contract. 09.05.2016 14.00
Construction work
Construction work
Construction work 01.04.2016 12.00

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