NRK 2024 - 391 Bildemiksere - trinn 2, tilbud og forhandling


28.08.2024 10.12 (GMT+02:00)
28.10.2024 12.00 (GMT+01:00)
21.10.2024 12.00 (GMT+02:00)


Norsk rikskringkasting AS Norsk rikskringkasting AS
Rune Dahler Rune Dahler
Bjørnstjerne Bjørnsons plass 1
Post: RC12, Boks 8500 Majorstuen, N-0340 Oslo, Norway

0340 OSLO

Kort beskrivelse

Detter er trinn 2 av konkurransen om Bildemiksere

Se seksjon (i dokumentet Instructions to the tenderer)  10 for struktur og innhold på tilbudet. 

Dette er trinn 2 i en to-trinns anskaffelse. For å se på prekvalifiseringen og tilhørende dokumenter, klikk på denne linken: NRK 2024 - 391 Bildemiksere, trinn 1, kvalifisering

Filer (klikk på filnavn for å laste ned)

Tittel Størrelse
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers - Instructions to the tenderer (READ ME FIRST).docx 867 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers - Instructions to the tenderer - Attachment 1 Request for qualification form.docx 28 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision mixers - Instructions to the tenderer - Attachment 2 Tender form.docx 36 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers - Instructions to the tenderer - Attachment 3 Declaration of commitment.docx 24 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixer Attachment 1 Standard Data Processing Agreement.docx 47 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixer Attachment 2 Business Partner Code of Conduct.pdf 60 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixer Attachment 3 Contract performance clauses for safeguarding basic human rights in the supply chain.docx 77 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixer Attachment 4 Regulation on the operation of NRK during national emergency and wartime.pdf 40 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixer Attachment 5 Vendor Security Requirements.pdf 214 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixer Attachment 6 IPP-Device Integration Standards.pdf 626 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixer Attachment 7 Declaration of sub suppliers commitment.docx 76 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixer Attachment 8 NRK Device ST2110 ST2059 NMOS Conformance.PDF 540 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixer SSA-K App 01 Customer requirements specification.docx 609 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers SSA-K General Agreement_2018-engelsk.docx 114 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers SSA-K App 02 Contractor description of the deliverables.docx 524 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers SSA-K App 03 Customer technical platform.docx 449 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers SSA-K App 04 Delivery date and other deadlines.docx 451 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers SSA-K App 05 Approval test.docx 444 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers SSA-K App 06 Administrative provisions.docx 448 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers SSA-K App 07 Attachment 1 Price Sheet.xlsx 24 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers SSA-K App 07 Total price and pricing provisions.docx 453 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers SSA-K App 08 Changes to the general contractual wording.docx 445 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers SSA-K App 09 Changes subsequent to the conclusion of the Agreement.docx 443 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers SSA-K App 10 Licence terms and conditions for standard software and free software.docx 445 KB

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