NRK 2024 - 391 Bildemiksere - trinn 2, tilbud og forhandling


28.08.2024 11:12 (GMT+03:00)
28.10.2024 13:00 (GMT+02:00)
21.10.2024 13:00 (GMT+03:00)


Norsk rikskringkasting AS Norsk rikskringkasting AS
Rune Dahler Rune Dahler
Bjørnstjerne Bjørnsons plass 1
Post: RC12, Boks 8500 Majorstuen, N-0340 Oslo, Norway

0340 OSLO

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Detter er trinn 2 av konkurransen om Bildemiksere

Se seksjon (i dokumentet Instructions to the tenderer)  10 for struktur og innhold på tilbudet. 

Šī ir otrā kārta iepirkumam, kas tiek rīkots divās kārtās. Lai apkatītu sākotnējo kvalifikācijas kārtu, spiediet uz saites: NRK 2024 - 391 Bildemiksere, trinn 1, kvalifisering

Iepirkuma dokumentācija

Nosaukums Izmērs
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers - Instructions to the tenderer (READ ME FIRST).docx 867 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers - Instructions to the tenderer - Attachment 1 Request for qualification form.docx 28 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision mixers - Instructions to the tenderer - Attachment 2 Tender form.docx 36 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers - Instructions to the tenderer - Attachment 3 Declaration of commitment.docx 24 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixer Attachment 1 Standard Data Processing Agreement.docx 47 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixer Attachment 2 Business Partner Code of Conduct.pdf 60 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixer Attachment 3 Contract performance clauses for safeguarding basic human rights in the supply chain.docx 77 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixer Attachment 4 Regulation on the operation of NRK during national emergency and wartime.pdf 40 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixer Attachment 5 Vendor Security Requirements.pdf 214 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixer Attachment 6 IPP-Device Integration Standards.pdf 626 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixer Attachment 7 Declaration of sub suppliers commitment.docx 76 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixer Attachment 8 NRK Device ST2110 ST2059 NMOS Conformance.PDF 540 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixer SSA-K App 01 Customer requirements specification.docx 609 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers SSA-K General Agreement_2018-engelsk.docx 114 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers SSA-K App 02 Contractor description of the deliverables.docx 524 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers SSA-K App 03 Customer technical platform.docx 449 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers SSA-K App 04 Delivery date and other deadlines.docx 451 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers SSA-K App 05 Approval test.docx 444 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers SSA-K App 06 Administrative provisions.docx 448 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers SSA-K App 07 Attachment 1 Price Sheet.xlsx 24 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers SSA-K App 07 Total price and pricing provisions.docx 453 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers SSA-K App 08 Changes to the general contractual wording.docx 445 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers SSA-K App 09 Changes subsequent to the conclusion of the Agreement.docx 443 KB
NRK 2024 - 391 Vision Mixers SSA-K App 10 Licence terms and conditions for standard software and free software.docx 445 KB

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