Innkreving av bompasseringer for utenlandske kjøretøy


eForm 16 Contract notice — standard regime
Competitive procedure with negotiation
01.10.2024 14:13 (GMT+03:00)
23.10.2024 13:00 (GMT+03:00)


Birgitte Johansen Dan Isak Kveta
Ingeniør Rybergs gate 99

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De fem regionale bompengeselskapene skal anskaffe leverandør av innkreving av bompasseringer for utenlandske kjøretøy uten AutoPASS-avtale i Norge.

Šī ir kvalifikācijas kārta iepirkumam, kas tiek rīkots 2 kārtās. Lai apskatītu iepirkuma otro kārtu, kas sekos pēc kvalifikācijas, spiediet uz saites: Innkreving av bompasseringer for utenlandske kjøretøy - trinn 2

Iepirkuma dokumentācija

Nosaukums Izmērs
SSA_L Agreement.docx 145 KB
SSA_L Appendix 2 - Annex 1 Requirements document for the Supplier's completion.xlsx 31 KB
SSA_L Appendix 2 The Supplier’s description of the service.docx 73 KB
SSA_L Appendix 4 Service level.pdf 177 KB
SSA_L Appendix 5 Administrative provisions.pdf 248 KB
SSA_L Appendix 6 - Annex 1 - Commision and Price.xlsx 20 KB
SSA_L Appendix 6 Total price and pricing provisions.pdf 237 KB
SSA_L Appendix 7 Changes to the general contractual wording.docx 72 KB
SSA_L Appendix 8 Changes to the service after the establishment of the Agreement.docx 87 KB
SSA_L Appendix 9 The Oslo model.pdf 309 KB
SSA_L Appendix 1 - Customer specification of requirements.pdf 703 KB
SSA_L Appendix 2 - Annex 2 - Access to countries and applicable fees.xlsx 20 KB
SSA_L Appendix 2 - Annex 3 - Solve rate per country.xlsx 20 KB
SSA_L Appendix 3 Plan for the establishment phase.docx 67 KB
SSA_L Appendix 10 - Data Processing Agreement.docx 68 KB
SSA_L Appendix 11 - Appendices to the Data Processing Agrement.docx 56 KB
Invitation to Tender Attachment 1 Form for delivery of participation request.DOC 22 KB
Invitation to Tender Attachment 2 Form for bid delivery.docx 25 KB
Invitation to Tender Attachment 3 Information to be kept from public access.DOC 22 KB
Invitation to tender Attachment 4 Reservation and change proposal.docx 21 KB
Invitation to Tender Attachment 5 Self-declaration Russian involvement.docx 25 KB
SSA_L Appendix 1 - Annex 1 - Integration to owner information from NPRA.pdf 231 KB
SSA_L Appendix 1 - Annex 2 - EPH REST-API Description.pdf 567 KB
SSA_L Appendix 1 - Annex 3 - AutoPASS ImageDB REST API.pdf 354 KB
SSA_L Appendix 1 - Annex 4 - AutoPASS IP Technical vehicle info CSV format specification.PDF 183 KB
SSA_L Appendix 1 - Annex 5 - EPH Transaction Balance API Specification.pdf 112 KB
SSA_L Appendix 1 - Annex 6 - Simulation sheet - commission and price adjustment model.xlsx 47 KB
Invitation to Tender.pdf 850 KB

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