Innkreving av bompasseringer for utenlandske kjøretøy - trinn 2


11/11/2024 11:07 AM (GMT+01:00)
11/25/2024 12:00 PM (GMT+01:00)
11/18/2024 12:00 PM (GMT+01:00)


Birgitte Johansen Dan Isak Kveta
Ingeniør Rybergs gate 99

Closing date has passed.

Short description

De fem regionale bompengeselskapene skal anskaffe leverandør av innkreving av bompasseringer for utenlandske kjøretøy uten AutoPASS-avtale i Norge.

This is the second step in a two-step tender. If you want to see the qualification step and access qualification documents, please follow this link: Innkreving av bompasseringer for utenlandske kjøretøy

Files (click "Show interest" to get access)

Name Size
SSA_L Appendix 7 Changes to the general contractual wording.docx 74 KB
SSA_L Appendix 8 Changes to the service after the establishment of the Agreement.docx 89 KB
SSA_L Appendix 9 The Oslo model.pdf 309 KB
SSA-L Agreement.docx 145 KB
SSA-L Appendix 2 Annex 1 Requirements document for the Supplier's completion.xlsx 31 KB
SSA-L Appendix 2 The Supplier’s description of the service.docx 75 KB
SSA_L Appendix 2 - Annex 2 - Access to countries and applicable fees.xlsx 22 KB
SSA_L Appendix 2 - Annex 3 - Solve rate per country.xlsx 22 KB
SSA_L Appendix 3 Plan for the establishment phase.docx 69 KB
SSA_L Appendix 4 Service level.pdf 177 KB
SSA_L Appendix 5 Administrative provisions.pdf 248 KB
SSA_L Appendix 6 - Annex 1 - Commision and Price.xlsx 21 KB
SSA_L Appendix 6 Total price and pricing provisions.pdf 237 KB
SSA_L Appendix 11 - Appendices to the Data Processing Agrement.docx 58 KB
SSA_L Appendix 10 - Data Processing Agreement.docx 71 KB
Invitation to Tender Attachment 1 Form for delivery of participation request.DOC 22 KB
Invitation to Tender Attachment 2 Form for bid delivery.docx 25 KB
Invitation to Tender Attachment 3 Information to be kept from public access.DOC 22 KB
Invitation to tender Attachment 4 Reservation and change proposal.docx 23 KB
Invitation to Tender Attachment 5 Self-declaration Russian involvement.docx 27 KB
SSA_L Appendix 1 - Annex 1 - Integration to owner information from NPRA.pdf 231 KB
SSA_L Appendix 1 - Annex 2 - EPH REST-API Description.pdf 567 KB
SSA_L Appendix 1 - Annex 3 - AutoPASS ImageDB REST API.pdf 354 KB
SSA_L Appendix 1 - Annex 4 - AutoPASS IP Technical vehicle info CSV format specification.PDF 183 KB
SSA_L Appendix 1 - Annex 5 - EPH Transaction Balance API Specification.pdf 112 KB
SSA_L Appendix 1 - Annex 6 - Simulation sheet - commission and price adjustment model.xlsx 47 KB

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