24-026 LMS


eForm 16 Contract notice — standard regime
Competitive procedure with negotiation
04.10.2024 09:15 (GMT+02:00)
08.11.2024 12:00 (GMT+01:00)


Aktieselskapet Vinmonopolet Aktieselskapet Vinmonopolet
Bård Einar Heggelund Bård Einar Heggelund
Postboks 6953 St. Olavs plass
Dronning Eufemias gate 11

0130 OSLO

Closing date has passed.

Short description

Vinmonopolet skal implementere et nytt LMS for Polakademiet, organisasjonens plattform for intern opplæring og kompetanseutvikling.

This is the first step in a two-step tender. If you want to see the second step and access tender documents, please follow this link: 24-026 LMS (trinn 2)

Files (click "Show interest" to get access)

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