Jan Joensen


Title Closing date
Mass spectrometer
Acquisition of a High content microscope for Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine.
Acquisition of a Airyscan Super Resolution microscope in combination with a ZEISS LSM 880 for Department of International Health, Immunology and Microbiology.
Anskaffelse af et 2 foton mikroskop til Basic Center of translational Neuroscience.
Acquisition of NMR equipment for Department of Biology.
Acquisition of a Airyscan Super Resolution microscope in combination with a ZEISS LSM 880 for Department of International Health, Immunology and Microbiology.
Acquisition of NMR equipment for Department of Biology.
Mass spectrometer
Acquisition of a mass spectrometer.
Acquisition of an Elemental Analyzer-Isotope-Ratio Mass Spectrometer (EA-IRMS) to department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, PLEN, Plant and Soil Science Section (CHIME).
Acquisition of seismic equipment to Department of Earth Science and Nature Management (IGN).
Mass spectrometer
Microscopes 22.08.2014 23:59
Acquisition of a RockImager 1000.
Machinery for working plastics
Machines and apparatus for testing and measuring
Acquisition of confocal microscopes to Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Section VI.
Acquisition of NMR equipment.
Adult-education services at university level
Industrial robots
Mass spectrometer
Acquisition of a RockImager 1000.
Acquisition of confocal microscopes to Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Section VI.
Instruments for checking physical characteristics
Acquisition of a single-crystal X-ray diffractometer.
043-0094/14-7000 - Acquisition of roller compactor equipment for Pharmaceutical Technology and Engineering. 25.04.2014 23:59
Acquisition of a Fluidigm BioMark HD Reader.
Acquisition of a Mass spectrometer.
Acquisition of a Plasma – Mass Spectrometer.
Acquisition of a Fluidigm BioMark HD Reader.
Mass spectrometer
Acquisition of a Q Exactive.
Acquisition of a high content imaging microscope.
Acquisition of a Plasma – Mass Spectrometer.
Acquisition of a high content imaging microscope.
Detection and analysis apparatus
Repair and maintenance services of medical and precision equipment
Mass spectrometer
Acquisition of a Fluidigm BioMark HD Reader.
Acquisition of a NanoTemper Monolith.
CT scanners
Software programming and consultancy services
Acquisition of a Fluidigm BioMark HD Reader.
Acquisition of a NanoTemper Monolith.
Acquisition of a Scan R Microscope.
Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)
Acquisition of an ELYRA – Superresolution Microscope.
Acquisition of a Triple Quadrupole LC-MS and 1 q-TOF LC-MS.
Acquisition of a Triple Quadrupole LC-MS and 1 q-TOF LC-MS.
Acquisition of a TSE PhenoMaster System.
CT scanners
Acquisition of a FLIM Microscope.
Acquisition of an automated, size and charge based protein separation and nanoimmunoassay platform for the Section of Molecular Disease Biology.
Industrial freezers
CT scanners
Acquisition of a FLIM Microscope.
043-0022/13-7000 - Hot melt extruder and injektion moulder 29.07.2013 23:59
Acquisition of two - 3500xL Genetic analyzers.
CT scanners
Time accounting or human resources software package
Acquisition of a Cryo sample preparation for CLEM and High Vacuum Coating System.
Detection and analysis apparatus
Mass spectrometer
Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses) 06.05.2013 12:00
Acquisition of a Thermal ionization mass spectrometer, model Phoenix.
Acquisition of a Plasmalab System 100.
Acquisition of a ImageXpress Micro XL.
Acquisition of a Molecular Force Probe 3D AFM.
Miscellaneous medical devices and products
Acquisition of a Confocal Microscope.
Acquisition of a Fluidigm BioMark HD Reader.
Miscellaneous medical devices and products
Miscellaneous medical devices and products
Research services
Research services
Freezers 27.08.2012 13:00
Miscellaneous medical devices and products
Research services
Miscellaneous medical devices and products
Miscellaneous medical devices and products
Miscellaneous medical devices and products
Miscellaneous medical devices and products
Recording systems and exploration devices
Recording systems and exploration devices

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