Procurement of a regional system for checking in, checking out, payment and queue administration.


Udbud med forhandling
22-12-2016 09:52 (GMT+01:00)
27-01-2017 12:00


Helse Nord RHF Helse Nord RHF
Rune Sætermo Rune Sætermo
Sjøgata 10
8038 Bodø

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

A vision for digital patient services in the north was developed in Spring 2016. In this work, the area of check in and check out was described, as well as the process from a patient's arrival at the hospital until he/she departs. In connection with the current need for such solution at multiple hospitals in the region, Helse Nord HF in consultation with the health authorities decided to procure a regional system for check in/check out, payment and queue administration.

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