Cindie Arendal Petersen



Overskrift Udløbsdato
7. Physical and chemical analysis equipment 15-05-2031 12:00
6. Microscopes 15-05-2031 12:00
5. Incubators 15-05-2031 12:00
4. Environmental control equipment 15-05-2031 12:00
3. Electrical measuring and testing equipment 15-05-2031 12:00
2. Cooling and freezing storage solutions 15-05-2031 12:00
1. Autoclaves 15-05-2031 12:00
Dynamic Purchasing System regarding the purchase of research and laboratory equipment 15-05-2031 12:00
2. Robotic solutions 29-11-2032 12:00
1. Cell sorting and analysis equipment 29-11-2032 12:00
Dynamic Purchasing System regarding the purchase of research and laboratory equipment (2022) 29-11-2032 12:00
High plex-spatial platform - contract award (Dynamic Purchasing System)
Flydende nitrogen i tankanlæg samt tankleje - bekendtgørelse om indgået kontrakt
Helios 5 UC with secondary ion mass spectrometer (contract award)
Helios 5 UC with secondary ion mass spectrometer
Flydende nitrogen i tankanlæg samt tankleje 15-04-2024 12:00
Udbud af øvrige plastartikler til danske universiteter (AU, AAU, DTU, SDU) samt Fødevarestyrelsen
Simultaneous Preclinical PET+7 Tesla MR system (contract award)
Høring i forbindelse med udbud af flydende nitrogen i tankanlæg samt tankleje
Interventionsstudier af eksperimentelt lægemiddel i dyremodeller
Public tender of a service contract regarding the delivery of Project Management Services for the German-Danish INTERREG project 6a AlgaeFood
Udbud af øvrige plastartikler til danske universiteter (AU, AAU, DTU, SDU) samt Fødevarestyrelsen 06-11-2023 12:00
Udbud af øvrige plastartikler til danske universiteter (AU, AAU, DTU, SDU) samt Fødevarestyrelsen 06-11-2023 12:00
Komplette reoler inkl. bure, låg, fodertrug og flasker til Biomedicinsk Laboratorium på Syddansk Universitet. 09-10-2023 23:59
Høring: Udbud af øvrige plastartikler til danske universiteter (AU, AAU, DTU, SDU) samt Fødevarestyrelsen
Public tender of a service contract regarding the delivery of Project Management Services for the German-Danish INTERREG project 6a AlgaeFood 08-09-2023 12:00
3D concrete printing equipment - notice of award
Offentligt udbud på indkøb og levering af øvrige plastartikler
Offentligt udbud på indkøb og levering af øvrige plastartikler 22-05-2023 12:00
3D concrete printing equipment
3D concrete printing equipment
CT scanner til Retsmedicinsk Institut 26-05-2023 12:00
Annullering af Offentligt udbud på indkøb og levering af øvrige plastartikler
Offentligt udbud på indkøb og levering af øvrige plastartikler 15-05-2023 12:00
Notice of award – Category 6: Re-tender of light sheet microscope
Robot equipment
Multi-robot gantry system
Robotic welding system
Measurement system
Robotic welding system
Cancellation of Dynamic Purchasing System regarding the purchase of research and laboratory equipment (2022)
Cancellation of Dynamic Purchasing System regarding the purchase of research and laboratory equipment (2022)
Measurement system
2. Robotic solutions 25-11-2022 12:00
1. Cell sorting and analysis equipment 25-11-2022 12:00
Dynamic Purchasing System regarding the purchase of research and laboratory equipment (2022) 25-11-2022 12:00
Dynamic Purchasing System regarding the purchase of research and laboratory equipment (2022) 14-11-2022 12:00
Robot Equipment
Dynamic Purchasing System regarding the purchase of research and laboratory equipment
Cuvetter og dissektionsborde samt udstyr til plastinering
Dynamic Purchasing System regarding the purchase of research and laboratory equipment
Dynamic Purchasing System regarding the purchase of research and laboratory equipment
Notice of award: Mouse body composition analyzer
Dynamic Purchasing System regarding the purchase of research and laboratory equipment
Avanceret apparatur og instrumenter
Annulleringsbekendtgørelse på Basis apparatur til laboratoriebrug
Delaftale 5: Autoklaver 15-01-2021 12:00
Delaftale 4: Spektrofotometer 15-01-2021 12:00
Delaftale 3: Vægte 15-01-2021 12:00
Delaftale 2: Mikroskoper 15-01-2021 12:00
Delaftale 1: Inkubator 15-01-2021 12:00
Basis apparatur til laboratoriebrug 15-01-2021 12:00
EU tender: 500 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectrometer
Basis apparatur til laboratoriebrug
EU tender: 500 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectrometer 24-09-2020 12:00
500 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectrometer
Basis apparatur til laboratoriebrug - Universiteternes fællesudbud
Slot-Die Sheet Coater
Announcement: Slot-Die Sheet Coater 20-05-2020 12:00
EU tender: Pre-compliance Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Laboratory with Antenna Measurement Capabilities
EU tender: Pre-compliance Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Laboratory with Antenna Measurement Capabilities 14-11-2019 12:00
EU tender: Optical cryostat with high numerical aperture objective
Stimulated Emission depletion Microscope
EU tender: Optical cryostat with high numerical aperture objective 13-08-2019 12:00
Atomic Force Microscope for studying biomolecular interfaces.
Announcement: Mask aligner 22-11-2018 12:00
EU-udbud: Kapitalforvaltningsydelser 05-11-2018 12:00
EU tender: X-ray microtomograph
Announcement: Eye tracking devices 08-08-2018 12:00
EU tender: X-ray microtomograph 18-06-2018 12:00

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