Dynamic Purchasing System regarding the purchase of research and laboratory equipment


03 - Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter
Begrænset udbud
02-12-2021 12:14 (GMT+01:00)


Syddansk Universitet Syddansk Universitet
Cindie Arendal Petersen Cindie Arendal Petersen
Campusvej 55

5230 Odense M

Kort beskrivelse

The prequalification specifications include a summary of the creation of SDU’s Dynamic Purchasing System regarding the purchase of research and laboratory equipment including the conditions for applying for admission to the system.

The Dynamic Purchasing System is divided into 7 categories, for which the Applicants who meet the qualification requirements are pre-qualified, and in which the specific procurements are carried out:

Cooling and freezing storage solutions
Electrical measuring and testing equipment
Environmental control equipment
Physical and chemical analysis equipment

Period purchase agreements can be used in connection with awards on the Dynamic Purchasing System. In this connection, it may be a requirement that the supplier can integrate with the Customer's e-commerce system in force at any time.

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