Ohara S2 — Emission Pipelines from Kuhnlevika and Various Work Osøyro


02 - Meddelande om upphandling
Öppet förfarande
2019-02-07 09:41 (GMT+01:00)
2019-03-04 12:00


Os kommune Os kommune
Sissel Riise
Postboks 84, Hordaland
5202 Os
844 458 312

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Kort beskrivning

The procurement is for emission pipelines from Kuhnlevika and various work at Osøyro. The pump pipeline between pump station P1 at Osøyro and Kuhnlevika was laid in contract S1 in autumn 2018. This contract, S2, is split into 2 zones, zone 1 mainly consists of completion work for bringing the existing pump pipeline onto the land (laid in contract S1), including external connection to the existing pump station P1 at Osøyro. Work in/outside Kuhnlevika, zone 2, consists of further completion work for an existing pump pipeline (S1), with connections on line in Kuhnlevika, as well as work for the establishment of an emission pipeline and overflow pipe, etc., from the existing land abutment in Kuhnlevika to a depth of approximately -70 and -20 respectively in the sea.

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