75025 E2017 US KLM Dep. of Pathology, Specialised Stain Machine


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2019-02-06 09:30 (GMT+01:00)


Oslo universitetssykehus HF Oslo universitetssykehus HF
Lars Narvhus
Postboks 4950 Nydalen
0424 Oslo
993 467 049


Oslo universitetssykehus HF [Oslo University Hospital] invites tenderers to a competition for procurement of a Stain Machine that shall be used for specialised staining of sections. Specialised stained sections are used for diagnosis of i.a. cancer and other conditions. The department stains approximately 2 000 specialised stained sections per year. The department wants to expand the capacity to approximately 3 000 specialised stained section during the year in question. The machine must be able to stain a large spectrum of specialised stains, including: — Gomori, — Perl, — Alcian Blue pH 2.5, — Fite, — Congo, — AFOG, — PAS, — Van Gieson, — Verhoeff Elastica, — Gram and — Grocotte for the area of use/objective as described in appendix 2.3B Price Form for consumer goods.

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