Procurement of Microsoft SPLA 2018


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2019-01-25 09:32 (GMT+01:00)


Norsk Helsenett SF Norsk Helsenett SF
Marion Sydskjør Marion Sydskjør
Postboks 6123
7435 Trondheim
994 598 759


Norsk Helsenett SF (henceforth also referred to as NHN) has established an operation environment where systems are i.a. based on a Microsoft Services Provider License Agreement (SPLA) licensing model. The contract shall cover the requirement for the hire of SPLA licenses for the management of services provided by NHN. The contract shall cover the requirement for the hire of SPLA licenses, a support system for monthly reports, service and support, including assistance related to correct licensing, as well as follow-up/status meetings regarding products, systems, courses and workshops thereof.

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