Procurement of Automatic Avalanche Detection for County Road 293 in Holmbuktura


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2019-01-08 09:36 (GMT+01:00)


Statens vegvesen Region nord Statens vegvesen Region nord
Torstein Sundsfjord Torstein Sundsfjord
971 032 081


The Contracting Authority would like tenders for the establishment and operation of radar that monitors the avalanche danger in Holmbuktura. When the radar monitors that an avalanche has started, the radar installation must immediately notify the traffic management system so that the road is closed. When the avalanche has stopped, the radar must be able to send a message as to whether or not the avalanche went over the road. The radar must be adapted to the Contracting Authority's traffic management system. The procurement does not include the actual traffic management system, this will be a separate procurement in 2019. The traffic management system must be set up in summer 2019, so that it is ready for use in winter 2019/2020.

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