An Invitation to a Dialogue Conference for the Tender Contest "Båttjenester i Indre Oslofjord 2021" ("Transport Services by Boat in the Inner Oslofjord 2021"), as well as the Inspection of the City Hall Pier 4 and the Operation Base at Lindøya


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
Ej tillämpligt
2018-12-29 09:25 (GMT+01:00)


Ruter As (Forsyning) Ruter As (Forsyning)
Erik Løvoll
Postboks 1030 Sentrum
0104 Oslo
991 609 407

Kort beskrivning

Ruter shall call for tenders for "Public transport services by boat in the Inner Oslofjord" and hereby invites interested parties to dialogue conference No. 3. The target group for the conference is vessel/ferry operators and large sub-suppliers of e.g. electric vessels and electric charging infrastructure. A joint tender inspection will be held for the city hall pier 4 and the operation base at Lindøya after the dialogue conference is concluded.

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