Framework Agreement — Budget and Reporting System


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Förhandlade förfaranden under konkurrens
2018-11-02 09:43 (GMT+01:00)


Skedsmo Kommune Skedsmo Kommune
Kari Måseide Sørlie
Pb 414 Fakturamottak
2001 Lillestrøm
938 275 130


From 1.1.2020, Fet, Skedsmo and Sørum municipalities will become the new Lillestrøm kommune [Lillestrøm municipality] With it’s 87 500 inhabitants, Lillestrøm will be one of the country’s largest municipalities. Lillestrøm kommune intends to procure a system hat supports the municipality's work in all stages of producing: — financial plan — for operational budget and investments, — annual budget, — monthly reports/interim reports/annual reports, — reporting of sick leave, — reporting of goals, — business plan, — presentation of key figures analysis. The system shall be an “all in one” system where both figures, tables and associated text are easily summarised for further presentation in documents and on the internet. See the tender documentation for more information.

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