Instrument Landing System


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2018-10-04 09:17 (GMT+02:00)


Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations
Denise Katarina Kirkeskov Jensen Denise Katarina Kirkeskov Jensen
Lautrupbjerg 1-5
2750 Ballerup


The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO) shall replace the existing Instrument Landing Systems at Airbase Karup / Midtjylland airport (EKKA) with 2 new Instrument Landing Systems. The existing Instrument Landing Systems – runway (RWY) 27L (CAT II) and RWY 09R (CAT I) were installed and commissioned in about 1977/87. This purchase concerns the replace of these 2 Instrument Landing Systems. All other prerequisites for existing CAT II and CAT I operations will be retained.

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