Nytt Munchmuseum - Løst inventar - Biblioteksfaglig innredning


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2018-07-13 15:48 (GMT+02:00)


Oslo Kommune v/ Kultur- og idrettsbygg Oslo KF Oslo Kommune v/ Kultur- og idrettsbygg Oslo KF
Helene Finckenhagen Dinesen Helene Finckenhagen Dinesen
915 705 243


The objective of this procurement is to enter into a contract with a supplier of moveable furnishing for the New Munch Museum. In this procurement — M025 Library furnishing includes i.a.: — Shelving and cupboards, — Specially tailored furnishings, — Specially tailored elements. For a more detailed description of this contract's scope, refer to 'Annex B Work Scope and Payment' and 'Annex F Drawings and Documents'.

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