Article 7401201 Balholm Margaret Sparkling Apple Cider with Rhubarb, intention notice


Tilldelning av kontrakt utan att ett meddelande om upphandling först offentliggjorts i Europeiska unionens officiella tidning
2018-07-04 09:31 (GMT+02:00)


AS Vinmonopolet AS Vinmonopolet
Jasenko Redzic Jasenko Redzic
Akersgaten 51
0130 Oslo


AS Vinmonopolet 817209882 Akersgaten 51 Oslo 0130 Jasenko Redzic +47 04560 AS (Public Limited company) Specialised trade. Article 7401201 Balholm Margaret Sparkling Apple Cider with Rhubarb, intention notice 18-030 Vinmonopolet would like to list article 7401201 Balholm Margaret Sparkling Apple Cider with Rhubarb in the basic selection on the basis that is a unique product of good quality and has had very good sales figures when sold as stock lots. Vinmonopolet is entering into a framework agreement that will be valid for 4 years, with a mutual notice period of 2 months. 3500000.00 Vinmonopolet would like to list article 7401201 Balholm Margaret Sparkling Apple Cider with Rhubarb in the basic selection on the basis that is a unique product of good quality and has had very good sales figures when sold as stock lots. Vinmonopolet is entering into a framework agreement that will be valid for 4 years, with a mutual notice period of 2 months. Vinmonopolet would like to list article 7401201 Balholm Margaret Sparkling Apple Cider with Rhubarb in the basic selection on the basis that is a unique product of good quality and has had very good sales figures when sold as stock lots. Vinmonopolet is entering into a framework agreement that will be valid for 4 years, with a mutual notice period of 2 months. 2018-06-29 Balholm Balestrand 3500000.00 AS Vinmonopolet Postboks 6953 St. Olavs plass Oslo 2018-07-03

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