Procurement of patient alarm system / platform for welfare technology


Ej tillämpligt
2018-06-21 09:35 (GMT+02:00)


Vefsn Kommune Vefsn Kommune
Ewa Rosting Enge
Skjervgata 43
8651 Mosjøen

Kort beskrivning

Vefsn kommune plans to announce a framework agreement for the procurement of a patient alarm system / platform for welfare technology. In this connection we now announce a preliminary description and draft requirement specification and price form.

The objective of consultation for this announcement is to obtain supplier input on any central conditions of the attached documents.

The inputs will be reviewed prior to the final competition announcement being published.

The deadline for submission of statements on the documents for consultation is 2.7.2018.

All submissions of statements on the documents circulated for consultation shall be uploaded and submitted via the communications module in the Mercell portal.

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