Framework Agreement for a Project and Construction Manager


Öppet förfarande
2018-04-25 10:35 (GMT+02:00)
2018-05-25 12:00


Ski Kommune Ski Kommune
Beate Haugsjordet Beate Haugsjordet
Idrettsveien 8
1400 Ski

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Ski municipality invites tenderers to a competition for a Framework Agreement for project and construction management within buildings and construction (roads, water and sewage, etc.).

Oppegård kommune will join this framework agreement from 3.10.2019.

The Framework Agreements concern delivery of services for project and construction managers in connection with building and construction projects. Hereunder planning and implementation of projects in the disciplines of construction, roads and Water and Sewage.

In individual projects, the Construction management can also be awarded the role of HSE coordinator in the implementation phase in accordance with Guiding Performance Description for construction manager assignments / the Builder Regulation. Or that the Contracting Authority only calls on the HSE coordinator for a project.

The service shall also include reports / early phase work as well as planning assignments in building and construction projects.

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