A work boat for Statens naturoppsyn [the Norwegian State’s Nature Supervision Authority]


Öppet förfarande
2018-04-24 09:29 (GMT+02:00)
2018-05-25 15:00


Miljødirektoratet Miljødirektoratet
Jan Wilhelm Klüver Jan Wilhelm Klüver
Brattørkaia 15B
7010 Trondheim
999 601 391

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Kort beskrivning

Due the shutdown of the current boat, a new work boat for the Norwegian State’s Nature Supervision Authority shall be procured. The work boat shall have an approx. length overall (LOA) of 12 metres (+/- 1 metre). The boat shall be used for inspections and management activities and shall thus be used for the transport of various equipment in connection with disembarkation and landing on beaches outside arranged landing locations.

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