Invitation to a conference on innovative procurements in Nordland


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2018-04-20 09:24 (GMT+02:00)


Nordland fylkeskommune Nordland fylkeskommune
Hans Jørgen Kibsgaard Hans Jørgen Kibsgaard
Prinsensgate 100
8048 Bodø

Kort beskrivning

Large projects in Nordland — are we ready? Conference on innovative procurements as a regional innovation engine.

The National Programme for Supplier Development, together with Bodø municipality, Nordland County and Avinor, is holding a conference on innovative procurements on 25 April at Scandic Havet i Bodø. Bodø municipality, Nordland County and Avinor will present their large projects at the conference and you will learn about innovative procurements as a tool for innovation and business development. Do you wonder whether the procurements in your municipality can be carried out in an innovative way? Or does your company want to deliver services to public authorities? Register for the 25 April.

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