Draft and preliminary project — Leirsundveien sheltered accommodation


Öppet förfarande
2018-04-13 09:28 (GMT+02:00)
2018-05-16 12:00


Skedsmo Kommune Skedsmo Kommune
Ine Høyer Ine Høyer
Pb 414 Fakturamottak
2001 Lillestrøm
938 275 130

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Kort beskrivning

The procurement is for a complete engineering design group for Leirsundveien sheltered accommodation flats, draft and preliminary project. An option shall be submitted for support functions for the project in the different phases. Furthermore, an option shall be submitted for follow-up of the turnkey contractor in the construction phase. Leirsundveien sheltered accommodation flats shall be established as 16 new sheltered accommodation flats for persons who have a need for 24 hour health and care services. The housing shall be suitable for both long and short term stays and it must be designed with consideration to users with drugs and alcohol problems, mental disorders and social problems. An institution building will also be established with the necessary functions, such as a duty room, visitors and meeting rooms, and a health centre for the flats. The flats will mainly be 45-55m2.

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