Tuberculin tests for Østfold Hospital Trust


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2018-04-13 09:26 (GMT+02:00)


Sykehusinnkjøp HF Sykehusinnkjøp HF
Janne Håkensen Janne Håkensen
Postboks 40
9811 Vadsø


Sykehusinnkjøp HF 916879067 Postboks 40 Vadsø 9811 Janne Håkensen Tuberculin tests for Østfold Hospital Trust 2018/369 Sykehusinnkjøp Health Trust requests, on behalf of Østfold Hospital Trust (the contracting authority) tenders for tuberculin tests. The tests shall be executed by using the IGRA methods. The tests shall be provided for the centre for laboratory medicine at Østfold Hospital Trust. 2400000.00 The Norwegian Institute of public health has decided that tuberculin tests shall be done by using the IGRA methods. Since the Oslo University Hospital documented through their procurements in 2017 that only SSI Diagnostica A/S can deliver these products in the Nordic countries, Østfold Hospital Trust considers procurement of the tuberculin tests by using the IGRA methods directly. Direct procurement will be carried out with a Voluntary ex ante transparency notice in Mercell. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health has decided that tuberculin tests shall be done by using the IGRA methods. Since the Oslo University Hospital documented through their procurements in 2017 that only SSI Diagnostica A/S can deliver these products in the Nordic countries, Østfold Hospital Trust considers procurement of the tuberculin tests by using the IGRA methods directly. Direct procurement will be carried out with a Voluntary ex ante transparency notice in Mercell. 2018/369 Tuberculin tests 2018-04-10 SSI Diagnostica 918039600 Narvik 8501 2400000.00 The Norwegian Institute of Public Health has decided that tuberculin tests shall be done by using the IGRA methods. Since the Oslo University Hospital documented through their procurements in 2017 that only SSI Diagnostica A/S can deliver these products in the Nordic countries, Østfold Hospital Trust considers procurement of the tuberculin tests by using the IGRA methods directly. Direct procurement will be implemented with a Voluntary ex ante transparency notice in Mercell, in accordance with the procurement regulation § 21-5. The guarantee period is 10 days until 23.4.2018 (12:00). Cf. the public procurement Regulations § 25-2 (1). Sykehusinnkjøp HF Vadsø 9800 2018-04-12

See tender at TED:

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