Dialogue conference for the procurement of a trade system for the PP service, in accordance with the BVP method


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2018-04-06 09:20 (GMT+02:00)


Trøndelag Fylkeskommune Trøndelag Fylkeskommune
Sebastian Rosten Løvdahl Sebastian Rosten Løvdahl
Seilmakergata 2
7725 Steinkjer

Kort beskrivning

Trøndelag County will hold a dialogue conference for the procurement of a trade system for the educational-psychological service (PP service) for sixth form education (PPT vgo).

The PP service needs a new, modern, future orientated and user friendly trade system for the registration, case management and production of our work on an individual and system level. The Contracting Authority would, therefore, like to invite potential tenderers to a dialogue conference.

The procurement, which is planned to be announced at the turn of the month May/June, will be carried out as an open tender contest in accordance with the Best Value Procurement (BVP) method. It will be Trøndelag County´s first procurement using the BVP method.

See the documents in Mercell for further information on the procurement and the contracting authority´s needs.

To register for the dialogue conference contact:

Kjell Ivar Bye, tel. +47 48126953, kjeby@trondelagfylke.no

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