Work clothing and protective shoes for cleaning, cooking and healthcare workers.


Öppet förfarande
2018-03-30 09:20 (GMT+02:00)
2018-05-14 12:00


Sandefjord kommune Sandefjord kommune
Birgitte Christensen Birgitte Christensen
Pb 2025
3202 Sandefjord
916 882 807

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The contracting authority shall establish a framework agreement for work wear and shoes that shall be used by cleaners and healthcare workers. There is already a separate framework agreement for Work wear and Protective Equipment that is designed for outside workers. This is a competition that shall service cooks, cleaners and healthcare workers.

This competition is divided into 2 Groups:

Group 1: Work clothing and protective equipment;

Group 2: Footwear.

The estimated turnover for work clothes is approx. 350 000 NOK and for shoes 1 000 000 NOK. The volume is estimated based on statistics and the accounting figures for the procurement of equivalent products for the same buyer group for previous years. The values must therefore be seen as a non-binding estimate. The same also applies for the stated quantities in the price form (Annex 2).

For further information about the assignment and requirement specification, refer to Annex 1, Tender See Annex 1, Tender file.

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