Procurement — Lorry with dumper box, 2018


Öppet förfarande
2018-03-27 09:24 (GMT+02:00)
2018-04-27 13:00


Ålesund kommune Ålesund kommune
Ann-Iren Sperre Ann-Iren Sperre
Keiser Wilhelmsgate 11
6003 Ålesund
942 953 119

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The objective of the agreement is to cover the client’s need for a lorry with dumper box, that shall be used in the work areas of construction and clearing.

The lorry shall be a 3 axle 6 x 4 and shall be equipped with a tandem bogie with the possibility of unloading, dumper box, and set-up for connection of clearing equipment.

The contracting authority wants good and quick access to service and that the lorry shall be environmentally friendly both in regard to emissions, consumption and noise.

Comments on the contract: The contract is for leasing one Lorry with dumper box, including a service agreement.

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