3D metal printer


Öppet förfarande
2018-03-09 09:25 (GMT+01:00)


Universitetet i Agder Universitetet i Agder
Geir Arne Stokke
PB 422 Lundsiden
4604 Kristiansand
970 546 200


Universitetet i Agder 970 546 200 PB 422 Lundsiden Kristiansand 4604 Geir Arne Stokke +47 38141955 geir.stokke@uia.no http://www.uia.no 3D metal printer ANSK - 0059 - 17 The Faculty of Engineering and Science shall procure a 3D printer for metals (also named Selective laser melting; SLM, but also named Direct Metal Laser Sintering; DMLS, SLS etc.) for the production of metallic components in metal alloy from powder The machine shall be equipped with a computer controlled laser beam for adding layer by layer and melting of powder followed by layer by layer solidification and from this creating 3D objects with the requested form and functionality. 5500000 The Faculty of Engineering and Science shall procure a 3D printer for metals (also named Selective laser melting; SLM, but also named Direct Metal Laser Sintering; DMLS, SLS etc.) for the production of metallic components in metal alloy from powder The machine shall be equipped with a computer controlled laser beam for adding layer by layer and melting of powder followed by layer by layer solidification and from this creating 3D objects with the requested form and functionality. 2017/S 209-435349 3D metal printer 2018-02-20 3 1 3 0 3 Kaspo Maskin AS 959 090 750 Tungaveien 38 Trondheim 5000000 5500000 Visma notice:https://opic.com/id/afmdxdsrqp Universitetet i Agder PB 422 Lundsiden Kristiansand 4604 2018-03-08

See tender at TED: http://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:106953-2018:TEXT:EN:HTML

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