18-020 Supplier dependent research, analysis and consultancy services Prior Information Notice


Tilldelning av kontrakt utan att ett meddelande om upphandling först offentliggjorts i Europeiska unionens officiella tidning
2018-03-09 09:25 (GMT+01:00)


AS Vinmonopolet AS Vinmonopolet
Jasenko Redzic Jasenko Redzic
Akersgaten 51
0130 Oslo


AS Vinmonopolet 817209882 Akersgaten 51 Oslo 0130 Jasenko Redzic +47 04560 jasenko.redzic@vinmonopolet.no https://permalink.mercell.com/82054783.aspx http://www.vinmonopolet.no/ AS (Public Limited company) Specialised trade. 18-020 Supplier dependent research, analysis and consultancy services Prior Information Notice 18-020 Vinmonopolet [the Norwegian Wine and Spirits Monopoly] intends to enter into a contract with Gartner Norge AS for the delivery of services for supplier dependent research, analysis and consultancy services. 6000000.00 Vinmonopolet [the Norwegian Wine and Spirits Monopoly] intends to enter into a contract with Gartner Norge AS for the delivery of services for supplier dependent research, analysis and consultancy services. The service shall be used as a consultant for strategic selection based on the Vinmonopolet’s [the Norwegian Wine and Spirits Monopoly’s] actual need. The services shall be designed as a member based subscription service and the service provider shall, in addition, be able to provide consultancy advice/consultancy service if needed. Emphasis is placed on the tenderer being able to offer independent and objective analysis of technology, fact based analysis, global and local presence, specific customer contacts as well as offers of foreign and Norwegian trade conferences included in the subscription. Contract value: 6 000 000 NOK excluding VAT over 4 years. Emphasis is placed on the tenderer being able to offer independent and objective analysis of technology, fact based analysis, global and local presence, specific customer contacts as well as offers of foreign and Norwegian trade conferences included in the subscription. 18-020 Supplier dependent research, analysis and consultancy services. 2018-03-06 Gartner Norge AS Oslo 6000000.00 AS Vinmonopolet Oslo 2018-03-08

See tender at TED: http://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:106952-2018:TEXT:EN:HTML

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