Hearing for an environmental follow-up plan


Ej tillämpligt
2018-02-13 09:21 (GMT+01:00)


Omsorgsbygg Oslo KF Omsorgsbygg Oslo KF
Nina Mellem Nina Mellem
Postboks 2773 Solli
0201 Oslo
985 987 246

Kort beskrivning

Omsorgsbygg invites tenderers to a hearing. Tenderers are invited to comment on the provisional draft of the environmental follow-up plan (see the attachment).

Omsorgsbygg is not obliged to follow the input and points out that the documents are to be considered as a preliminary draft. Any costs incurred from participating in the hearing will not be refunded.

The suggestions will be included in the further work with the template. The environmental follow-up plan applies to building and construction procurements in the company and it will be attached to the tender documentation when the competition is announced.

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